ForumsThe TavernIn memories of those who died for us...

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Hello everyone reading this, as most of you may know, tommorow is Veteran's Day. Please put the name of anyone who died in our past wars if you would like.

Sadly the only one I can think of is a cousin of mine who's name I can't remember.

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Why do I have to put people that have died? I know lots of people that are in the military right now or retired.

First my dad for being in the Air Force for about 25 years. Then to my great uncle who was able to servive at Omaha beach during world war II. Then to all the men and women I personally know that have been in the military. Finally just to anyone that is in the military in general. Thank you for fighting for what you believe in and keeping us whiny people safe. You can never have enough thanks. You put your lives at risk for us. So if you see a veteran just give them a big "Thank you". It will mean the world to them.

Do any other countries have veterans day? I believe that all countries should.

377 posts

Do any other countries have veterans day? I believe that all countries should.

I know for sure Canada doesn't have "Veteran's Day", but we do have Remembrance Day which is actually the exact same thing as Veteran's Day except with a different name.

I know that I for one shall be forever grateful for the great Canadians who fought defending Canada and its beliefs.
255 posts

my great grandmother's first husband(her second husband's brother) was a bomber in the air force in WWII and was shot down en-route to germany over italy while attacking. my Uncle was captured, tortured (stabbed and slashed in the back multiple times) and then liberated when he was in the special forces when we invaded a south american country or something. my grand father was an anti aircraft missile shooter in the cold war era.

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