During the day, the site acts as normal as ever, but during the darker hours I've noticed that there are surges of severe sluggishness. On multiple occasions just today it has taken me about three minutes just to go from one forum to another because of the time it's taking each page to load. Sometimes, if I'm up late enough, the server will time out completely and Chrome will be unable to find the page.
Now I know this is not an issue with my internet because other sites load just fine... what I would like to know is, is anyone else experiencing these bursts of unusual slowness between the hours of 12:00 am to 5:00 am AG time?
Hmm, well I seem to be experiencing some minor lag at this time even though it isn't even 9 pm AG time... I guess it's still nighttime in the eyes of the server!
i remember experiencing that back in 09 when I just joined AG.
When you experienced the lag, was it at night? This does pose another question, though... has the AG server always been slower at night?
Thank you, all three of you, for conducting speed tests! I just tested it during a lag-free period and got 7.64 seconds, so the connection is definitely shaky at this time of night... especially considering that I just tested the community in particular and got 5.77 seconds. 5.77 to 16.8 is a very questionable difference to say the least, which means something definitely must be looked into in terms of server speed.
What about the option that -maybe- maintenance is being done to the website, causing it to be slower than during the (U.S. time) day? That would be a simple, yet obvious, reason for the lag...