on first mission wait till the guy with the hat walks past and shoot the guy with the cap on.
for mission 2 wait till another airplane comes and shoot the first dude that comes off!
for the 3rd mission wait till the guard at the top is far away from the guy at the computer and shoot the guy at the computer.
for the 4th mission wait till the 7th guy comes out and shoot him.
for the 5th mission kill all the guards first. there is a guard near the boxes and you can only see his head! then shoot the guys in the little car lifter things.
for the last mission shoot all the guards first. there is one that appears in beetween the boxes. then shoot all the crazy people who run around as soon as you shoot one of them.
I thought the game was too easy. It was really short. I liked it but it was short and easy. I played the whole game in 10 minutes. Hopefully the sequel will be longer...