ForumsArt, Music, and WritingWorking Title - It's a Salvidious Game

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4,170 posts

Welcome folks.

This weekend I was fortunate enough to meet up with a couple long-time friends. For months I've been trying to get a hold of them, and now that I have we'll start on our first flash game for AG. Before we actually start making the game, we'll need to learn some fancy flash code stuff so we know what we're doing. I know bits and pieces, but not enough to make a half-decent game. We have 9 months to get the game's blueprints done, but we'll have to balance school as well. Production will take a month, or maybe two.

Anyway, I'll be doing general bug testing and graphic work, while the other guys will be doing the other stuff. Sounds like we have everything covered, right? No. We need a story. I want to include some interesting characters from the site, but we need help. I'll be popping in every once in a while to write bits and pieces because the main story will most likely fall into my lap.

The guys liked my username so much we're naming our baby production Salvidious Games. Do me proud, and be in a game.

So, to start things off, I'll need a setting. Throw your ideas out there; I need places, times, the whole shabang. I also need an exciting plot. In the plot, we need characters. Nominate yourself as a character, give some traits. Write a book.

Get going folks!

  • 202 Replies
13,344 posts

I nominate myself as a character. You can base my traits off my site presence, or however you may perceive me.

What type of game are you planning on making? As in, shooting, RPG, multiplayer, etc. I'll have more suggestions for you once that part is determined.

4,170 posts

What type of game are you planning on making? As in, shooting, RPG, multiplayer, etc. I'll have more suggestions for you once that part is determined.

If I were in charge of everything, the game would be an RPG with some sort of Multiplayer function, but due to funds we'll have to omit the Multiplayer side and constrain ourselves to something smaller. We'll definitely adapt the game so Multiplayer will work in case we ever want to add it. The way the guys were going yesterday, I'd plan on it being either a Platformer like Exit Path, or possibly a Beat 'em Up like Hobo. We'll definitely include some sort of stats feature to allow for leveling up, and the story will be fairly in-depth, so games like Corporation Inc. are out of the question. The game will be focusing on a single player at a time. We *might* make the game go around a team of people whom each have their own unique traits and abilities (fast guy, slow guy, high jumper, etc.) but I wouldn't plan on it.

That's about all I can say about that for now.
13,344 posts

We *might* make the game go around a team of people whom each have their own unique traits and abilities (fast guy, slow guy, high jumper, etc.) but I wouldn't plan on it.

That would definitely be interesting. You could make it an action-puzzle-platformer where each character wields a different weapon and certain enemies can only be killed by certain weapons. It would focus on one character at a time, but you would have the option to switch characters like in Monster Bark or any other games that require the player to switch characters at various points throughout the level.
715 posts

Yesss, i wana be a char!!!!!

I mean... Yes, my fellow friend, I would love to be a character with my original name : Zero Furrbone.

each character wields a different weapon and certain enemies can only be killed by certain weapons

This reminds me of D&D , Basically to kill skeletons you deal much more dmg with Blunt weapons than with swords. So certain weapons will do less dmg on some enemies, while others will do extra dmg. Also Flying enemies would be a great step, because they can be killed only by Mages and Archers.

A good RPG has few modes. Maybe minigames in he game. Like tower defense mode? Where there is a quests to defend certain places, and you build towers and you can use the chars to enter combat with them.

Hmm that reminds me of idea. In Persona, you have to hit the enemies to attack first. This should be great, for RPG, it wont be random encounter, The monsters actually attack, and when they hit you, they attack first, and if you hit, you attack first.

So Im back on the tower thing.. The monsters pass the path and you shoot them.. right? But made it hard, so when a monster pass, you can battle the monsters with your characters....

Well i suppose this would mean allot of coding, but it sounds pretty much as a new kind of RPG that would be a huge hit, if has a good graphics and interesting story...
9,808 posts

I would be honored to be a character! And I'll copy can just base him off of how I am on the site (though if you are making a character that you can see...I'd love if he had conical Asian hat and like samurai-esque clothing! =p)

Why not set it in the town of AG like The Way of Moderation? =D

4,170 posts

That would definitely be interesting. You could make it an action-puzzle-platformer where each character wields a different weapon and certain enemies can only be killed by certain weapons. It would focus on one character at a time, but you would have the option to switch characters like in Monster Bark or any other games that require the player to switch characters at various points throughout the level.

That would be a plus for a game that features a multitude of people and would allow for individual customization like Sonny, but that would take a lot longer to develop. I'm willing to work on the game for a year if it takes that long, but I'll have to run this passed the guys so I know where they stand.

This reminds me of D&D , Basically to kill skeletons you deal much more dmg with Blunt weapons than with swords. So certain weapons will do less dmg on some enemies, while others will do extra dmg. Also Flying enemies would be a great step, because they can be killed only by Mages and Archers.

I don't know if we'll do flying enemies. I find them hard to animate and they're hard to give traits to. For example, you have to precisely pinpoint each contact point on the bat's body where damage can be delivered, which would take ages. Not to mention getting them to follow their own physics and other complicated stuff like that is, well, complicated. Then the archers' and mages' arrows and spells would have to follow their own physics as well. Maybe not so much for the mage, but arrows can't fly forever.

A good RPG has few modes. Maybe minigames in he game. Like tower defense mode? Where there is a quests to defend certain places, and you build towers and you can use the chars to enter combat with them.

The ability to build stuff like towers for minigames and extra features are surprisingly easy. I'd plan on seeing some kind of feature where you can build custom bases and stuff like that and alternate minigames.

Hmm that reminds me of idea. In Persona, you have to hit the enemies to attack first. This should be great, for RPG, it wont be random encounter, The monsters actually attack, and when they hit you, they attack first, and if you hit, you attack first.

Oh, I get what you're saying. I saw this when I played those Mario & Luigi games on DS. That would fit in nicely with the unique characters and that stuff. In other words, that's a maybe.

Well i suppose this would mean allot of coding, but it sounds pretty much as a new kind of RPG that would be a huge hit, if has a good graphics and interesting story...

Yeah, that would be a lot of coding. I'm doing story and graphics, so if that doesn't work I'm to blame. :P

I would be honored to be a character! And I'll copy can just base him off of how I am on the site (though if you are making a character that you can see...I'd love if he had conical Asian hat and like samurai-esque clothing! =p)

Ok xD

Why not set it in the town of AG like The Way of Moderation? =D

I was thinking about that, but I'll have to read up on the story some more before I give a yes or no. Get back to you tomorrow on that.
5,952 posts

You need a setting a characters? Well alright. Ernie can be a character, but not pang >
Ah right, setting. Year 3015. The basics of it are that robots have taken over everything. You can choose one of a few characters (i.e Ernie or whoever). The game style would be a platform/shooter/puzzlish (puzzle do to the fact of moving onto the next stage). You pick up various guns and weapons along your path and shoot the robots. You get what im saying. Then you slowly move your maybe up through out the city. For the final boss, its the thing controlling the bots. There would be lots of minions. The thing itself would be able to shoot on its own. Im sure you could figure this part out.
The name of the game? Salvation

5,952 posts

*and characters
pesky little "a"

3,766 posts

I don't really care what the game is but I want me in it, as a dino.

Also I would be glad to beta test if you would allow me.

1,361 posts

I would love to be a character in this! And if you want to make me into a pilot who happens to be skeletal, that would be perfectly understandable! =)

Basically to kill skeletons

Flying enemies would be a great step

If you do happen to include flying skeletons in your game, you know who to summon! =D
5,952 posts

Well fine, since everyone is saying "I wana be in it", I wont.
*secretly hopes that sal will include pickpocket in the game anyways*
Here is a totally different idea that plays off of Ernie's some. Some you are a knight. You fight dragons. I dont know why, but you just do. Well its for so of a puzzle/action game. There are multiple dragons, each with different colors. Some green, some blue, some red, ex. Now your objective is to reach the finish. But to do the most damage to a dragon, you have to use a sword of the same color as the dragon. Swords are lying around and you can only carry one at a time. A blue sword does extra damage to a blue dragon, but a less to a red or green dragon. Same thing goes for shields. A green shield can resist a green dragons attack, but you can still be harmed by red and blue dragons.

4,170 posts

You need a setting a characters? Well alright. Ernie can be a character, but not pang >
Ah right, setting. Year 3015. The basics of it are that robots have taken over everything. You can choose one of a few characters (i.e Ernie or whoever). The game style would be a platform/shooter/puzzlish (puzzle do to the fact of moving onto the next stage). You pick up various guns and weapons along your path and shoot the robots. You get what im saying. Then you slowly move your maybe up through out the city. For the final boss, its the thing controlling the bots. There would be lots of minions. The thing itself would be able to shoot on its own. Im sure you could figure this part out.
The name of the game? Salvation

Lol, nice. But I already made a character board for pang. D: Otherwise, I'll definitely use some stuff from it.

I don't really care what the game is but I want me in it, as a dino.

Also I would be glad to beta test if you would allow me.

*Adds character*

I probably won't be able to beta test it due to copyright stuff, but I'd be happy to give out previews and stuff before it comes out. Thanks anyway Daleks.

I would love to be a character in this! And if you want to make me into a pilot who happens to be skeletal, that would be perfectly understandable! =)

*Adds character*

Actually, you might make a good role as someone who was dramatically offed by the robots. You were killed, but pang the samurai brought you to life to serve in his vengeful horde against the robots. It practically writes itself!

If you do happen to include flying skeletons in your game, you know who to summon! =D


Well fine, since everyone is saying "I wana be in it", I wont.
*secretly hopes that sal will include pickpocket in the game anyways*
Here is a totally different idea that plays off of Ernie's some. Some you are a knight. You fight dragons. I dont know why, but you just do. Well its for so of a puzzle/action game. There are multiple dragons, each with different colors. Some green, some blue, some red, ex. Now your objective is to reach the finish. But to do the most damage to a dragon, you have to use a sword of the same color as the dragon. Swords are lying around and you can only carry one at a time. A blue sword does extra damage to a blue dragon, but a less to a red or green dragon. Same thing goes for shields. A green shield can resist a green dragons attack, but you can still be harmed by red and blue dragons.

*Adds again* :P

I'll stick with the robot idea, actually. Unless someone can argue me to the other side. I don't know, I already had the robot thing worked out, or at least the beginning.

Oh, and some teaser. pang the samurai watches his enemy from a cliff. Not dynamic by any rate, but it's a draft, k? :P
9,808 posts

Well alright. Ernie can be a character, but not pang >

What D= but! ah!! No Sal! Don't listen to him!

If you do happen to include flying skeletons in your game, you know who to summon! =D

Haha XD you could have skeletons that fly at you throwing homework! (reference to Skeleton's work as a teacher FTW)
1,361 posts

Actually, you might make a good role as someone who was dramatically offed by the robots. You were killed, but pang the samurai brought you to life to serve in his vengeful horde against the robots. It practically writes itself!

Haha, I love it!

Haha XD you could have skeletons that fly at you throwing homework! (reference to Skeleton's work as a teacher FTW)

Except I'm a P.E. teacher, so I throw big rubber dodgeballs! =D
9,808 posts

Sorry for double post -_-⢠didn't notice the 2nd page

But I already made a character board for pang

Wooo!! =D I'ma be the best character ever guys...I gots this haha

You were killed, but pang the samurai brought you to life to serve in his vengeful horde against the robots

Aww yea >=D you hear that Pilot? We gots this!
I'm sounding pretty boss so far =p

pang the samurai watches his enemy from a cliff.

*gasp* guys =O look...look at how boss I look! I loves it

@pickpocket - with that idea...the downside would be with people like me (colourblind)
Showing 1-15 of 202