This was a really big concern to me when I started high school. What language is the best to take, and will be the most useful in my daily life and also a job or getting into a good college. I eventually decided to take Spanish out of the choices of french, German, Chinese and Spanish of course. Living in California, and a part of California that is mainly Hispanic I thought that Spanish would be the best choice because I could communicate with the majority of people who spoke another language besides English. I was also concerned if colleges preferred one language over each other, and if my dream job in the future required a different language than Spanish. So far, the extent of my newly learned language was when I ordered a taco in Spanish at my local Taqueria. What language did you guys choose in highschool, or are thinking you're going to take?
Learn English Then maybe learn English. Then maybe you can learn another on because it'll help you with your English, you ****tard. My second suggestion would be binary.
Learn English Then maybe learn English. Then maybe you can learn another on because it'll help you with your English, you ****tard. My second suggestion would be binary.
But with Latin there are no paragraphs, or even sentances, it's an old dead language with no sort of punctuation.
What type of Latin did you learn? O.o the punctuation is there...though not as we know it. Certain words determined how it was punctuated...eventually, to make it easier, they converted those words to symbols related to the word (distorted the letters)