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So, there is another opration in Gaza. After a week wher organizations from Gaza shot over 70 rockets to Israel, the IDF decided to stop it {Dont worry, we are not flatening gaza}. And i say - damm time they got there in Hamas. there are election in 69 days from now, and they are only make the right wing {aka netanyaho and liberman} more strong by these actions! This is not the way to get peace...

Well, Im in range of the rockets. A rocket as hit near a house of a friend of mine. luckly didnt exploded {the rocket, not the friend}. There are alarms once for a while. as an gamer/historian i dont affraid from them {thank you medal of honor 1!}, but my little brother is quite scared. him and my little dog. poor girl, shacking all teh times...

Schools are cancled on the radius of 40 km from gaza.

For all of you who dosent know me, im on the Israeli side.

SO what have changed since Cast lead?

Iron dome is almost completly cover the skys, 90% of the rockets are destroyed in the air. Huge sucsess.

As it seems, there is not gonna be a land attak. only air force with spesified targets. And that quite "lucky" as im in the age of recruiting and i have friends who serve in these infantry battlaions.

Sp, feel free to talk and bring news on the Situation.

  • 42 Replies
1,773 posts

Ok guys. Alarms all the night. The basterd didnt let me to sleep...

There were a few hits near my house and near my school. As it seems now, a land opreation will be needed.

377 posts

I wish you the best of luck through this crisis of your nation.

9,439 posts

Watching CNN now, Hamas claims 27 dead from the recent attacks. There's about as many the other way from IDF air strikes. Hamas is now targeting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem because they have the range to do so, but their rockets were a few miles off target. It looks like a ground invasion is likely if attacks continue.

5,129 posts

what i wonder about most atm is if the usual stone throwing vs teargas fights on the border have changed to something more violent aswell.
anyone knows?

9,439 posts

what i wonder about most atm is if the usual stone throwing vs teargas fights on the border have changed to something more violent aswell.

I'd assume so. Protests are rising in response to the air strikes. Israel is shutting down roads on the boarders.

Iron dome is almost completly cover the skys, 90% of the rockets are destroyed in the air. Huge sucsess.

Recent reports say it's now closer to 50%.
1,773 posts


These stone throwing were INSIDE israel, by arabic Israelis and west bank citizens, mostly kids. "Intifada", Riots. They didnt even had any agenda, only hate for us the Israelis.

This case is diffrunte. its nto against violante protester, Its against a armed militia. Hamas is armed. they are a terror organization and mostly the rulers of gaza.

Your clearly out of dates.

and Palpatine, for every 10 rockets, Iron dome destroy 9. There are almo0st not hit on ground. The two rockets who were fired at tel-aviv never made it to the ground {at one piece at least}. It is 90%.

8,257 posts

Watching CNN now, Hamas claims 27 dead from the recent attacks. There's about as many the other way from IDF air strikes.

Last I heard, there were 3 victims among Israeli, 23 dead and one or two hundred injured Palestinian. I seriously doubt that the numbers have equalized for both sides.

and Palpatine, for every 10 rockets, Iron dome destroy 9. There are almo0st not hit on ground. The two rockets who were fired at tel-aviv never made it to the ground {at one piece at least}. It is 90%.

From what I heard, at least two Hamas rockets hit the ground in the last two days; why else would Israel retaliate?
9,439 posts

for every 10 rockets, Iron dome destroy 9.

That's of the rockets they target. They're only able to target about half. The news just reported that of the estimated 150 rockets in the past day, about 70-80 were destroyed before impact.

This says it has less than a 40% success.
5,129 posts

mostly kids.

ive seen entire villages walk empty after the midday prayer (if i remember right)
then start throwing rocks and the enemys army who shoot back whit teargas. then after 10/15 min fight they return back to the village.
this happened every day they said. (source, BBC docu)
it were all kinds of people not just kids. also fathers and mothers.
(not sure where it was, i thought the border between israel and gaza.

Your clearly out of dates.

about 10 year ago i gave up following it all. there is always something wrong there.
it's a never ending violent circle that will not go away until one genocides the other. i'm just waiting for that moment.

i was just wondering about those little every day fights. this whole bombing thing....: pffff.. again?
oh well, atleast it isn't syria. heard enough from them also for a year.
1,826 posts

Just watched a Qassam rocket attack video on You tube.
****! that's go to be a nerve shaterring experience.

1,773 posts

its mostly in het west bank. Its like a ritual almost. every friday, after the prayers, the kids go throwing rocks and try to get attention, Then when the cameras are on, the people coem and scream. Its like the settlers, when the cameras are on everyoen became a top hollywood actors.

And punisher, most of them are destroied in the skys, so its not liek drezden here. But it is very scary. my area got some direct hits, in qiryat malachi and the surronding comunities {semi-villages, more like villages without farmings}.

5,129 posts

Its like the settlers, when the cameras are on everyoen became a top hollywood actors.

cool they see the camera 5 miles away while they still are in the mosk.
old school spying FTW!

ive seen the show. they couldn't see the camera that far away.
instead after the 10 min fight when they returned to town. the crew went over the border and wanted to ask them some things. then they started trowing stones at the crew. but after they dodged the stones and were close enough. the stone throwers apologized and said they thought it was the enemy and not BBC.

if they are acting at all then why would they act as they did?

anyway, i c you dont have the answer to my question if it has turned to something more violent.
that was all i'm interested in. so i'll be leaving again waiting for that genocide.
1,826 posts

cool they see the camera 5 miles away while they still are in the mosk.
old school spying FTW!

ive seen the show. they couldn't see the camera that far away.
instead after the 10 min fight when they returned to town. the crew went over the border and wanted to ask them some things. then they started trowing stones at the crew. but after they dodged the stones and were close enough. the stone throwers apologized and said they thought it was the enemy and not BBC.

if they are acting at all then why would they act as they did?

anyway, i c you dont have the answer to my question if it has turned to something more violent.
that was all i'm interested in. so i'll be leaving again waiting for that genocide.

ten years ago, they threw stones and now, they fire rockets.
1,356 posts

I have a friend in Israel, we are talking on skype like almost every day, so when the war started i knew about like a few hours after that, he says that his town or city or whatever it is, is kinda far from the war that's going on there. But the bad thing for him is that the war is getting closer to his town/city/village. Im hoping that the Arabics won't decide to attack the other countries, because Latvia (the place where I live in) is very weak, we dont have any powerful weapons so Latvia is kinda underpowered, which is the reason why im hoping that the war won't spread out here :/


5,129 posts

ten years ago, they threw stones and now, they fire rockets.

the stone throwing never stopped. it's what they do in time of peace.
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