This quiz and every other quiz on that site is telling me that being a doctor is making me dumber. Only today do I realise that the last time I even looked at a map of the US was actually in Grade 4.
And the last time I looked at a map of the world... that would have been in high school too.
And the last time I looked at a periodic table was in high school.
This quiz and every other quiz on that site is telling me that being a doctor is making me dumber. Only today do I realise that the last time I even looked at a map of the US was actually in Grade 4.
Mine was in Grade 3... And i realize you're much older thoguh xD @PanzerTank, GhostofHorror, and ZacnyUser Those are good scores considering you don't live in the US. Better things to think about than another countries states xD
And you guys are doing good! Keep the scores rolling!
Yeah, you did misspell Massechusetts. Haha. I don't really care since you're not from America.
The thing is even though I can only remember 37 states off the top of my head, if you said a state (any state), I would know it's a state Just can't think of all 50 states in only 4 minutes (which is like one state every 2.5 seconds or so).
So it's not like if you said Minnesota I would be like "is that a city or street name in America?"
Didn't you guys learn the state song in music class?
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansans California Colorado Connecticut Yes. Yes I did. i got it with like 30 seconds left. Not because I didnt know them but because I cant spell.