Look at page 10 of the birthday thread... you'll see a list of users in order of age from oldest to youngest! Now of course, those are just the users who have submitted their birth dates to the thread... there are probably older users in our midst who just haven't come forth!
We don't know how old all of the admins are since they haven't given us their birthdays, but it's not impossible to think that at least one admin could have been born before 1976! =)
DayCee and partydevil are both 36, and Ernie is 30. I know MageGrayWolf is up in the years because he runs his own store. Gantic is 25, and I think he's the oldest mod. Frank is either 19 or 20. Zoph, Cen, and Strop are all early 20's. Walker has kids. Bronze is 21, I think. The admins are all mid 20's to mid 30's, or that's how they look. Maybe they take good care of their bodies. Oh, and I know Skele told me his age once, but I think he's 25.