About an hour ago while I was online the website seemed to crash. No pages were loading and I was stuck on the page I was on. Now that I'm back the forum posts are acting even more glitchy than they were before. What happened?
Probably something to do with your browser. My browser always crashes while i'm on AG. Or anything else for that matter... So its probably not AG. Just your computer.
well my browser never did that before, although everything in its window pane became unresponsive when it responded again the site seemed to be down, I left to another site and came back to AG and it was still down.
The same thing happened to me. It only seemed to last about a minute. Most likely it was just some glitch or something and it was down for a few minutes. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
@beyondlimitless lol veering off topic a bit DayCee sry about this... But you lost AP from your comments getting deleted. And you get the armatar you have when you drop below the amount of AP you need for your previous armatar.