This is a thread where I will post a link to youtube displaying a song that has several similarities to a newer song. Anyone in the thread can have their shot at guessing the song and once someone gets it I move on to the next song. Sometimes the answer is the most rated up comment so for the sake of fair play please refrain from doing so. If these get too hard I have hint.
Note: The song I list will always be the one that was RECORDED first.
Alright, let's start. Rolling stones . This one is very obvious if you've heard the similar song.
This is another version to my 'Original -vs- Cover' thread and even though I like the idea, it has one major flawd in it IAgreeWithYou... when you click the link to listen to the questioned song, you see the original one in the YouTube suggestions list and all you have to do is match the song names... sorry for being a killjoy here... =/
It's similar to original vs cover but these songs aren't covers but bits are taken from other songs and usually it is just a small melody. (They also attribute 100% creation to themselves). It is also a guessing game.
As for the related links, I know :/. I was trying to figure out if you could post youtube videos here via HTML but it didn't come out when I posted the thread. I included the original link as well for mobile users vut the html didn't come out. I really want to do this so if anyone knows how to put music/video onto a post that would be awesome.
I guess I'll have to post pone this for now. I think the html registered it just didn't show on the post.