I think Skype already assumes a landslide victory, but I'll toss one more vote their way because I use it on occasion and I honestly had no idea that Yahoo had a similar feature... =P
Since Skele came back I shall return too. Skype- 15 to Yahoo Messenger - 2 (I counted Voidy's vote as Skype. I have no idea what it was for though) ~~~
~~~ I'll be waiting for those constructive answers... *wink wink*
I've always gone to Sports Authority. The other one didn't exist anywhere nearby, so I didn't even know the company existed until a few weeks ago when I wandered into it in a mall near the university. It seems like an adequate store--the first sporting goods store in northern California I've seen that also sells guns--but Sports Authority has given me so much more than D**k's ever has.
I'm actually a Big 5 man myself, but Sports Authority has never once let me down either! The competition... erm... Nickname for Richard's... seems to be more common in the eastern United States, so those of us in the west are more used to seeing Sports Authority than... Rick's. =P