Nike. The logo is more aesthetic to me, so I tend to like their apparel more. I have products from both brands though, except for sports shoes, which are exclusively Nike.
Oh, goodie. A thread dedicated to brands, ergo no cute little companies of niche fillers. Oh, well. I go for Nike, they made a better pair of shoes that Adidas did.
I feel odd because I never work out and if I do then I just wear normal clothes.
I have to go with Nike though. The everyday shoes that I have (which are really running shoes) are Nike. Nike's just fit my foot more. Also Nike has the Dry sock thing. For a person with naturally wet feet those are great.
Anyways here is the score as it stands... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NIKE-15 vErSuS ADIDAS-6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Is this a runaway? Who knows? Just keep voting people! Let's see if adidas can turn things around ^^