Netflix, because it's the one I use. I hear hulu gives you episodes right after they air, but I don't even watch TV shows that still air episodes, so for me there's no use in using hulu over Netflix.
I don't shop. My mom points at clothes online and I either approve or veto it. But...Macy's, because the few times I've been in a store with clothes in it Nordstrom smelled weird.
Macy's is the cheaper alternative with a wider selection of clothes. I've never thought there to be any reason to go to Nordstrom unless you're some kind of fop.
Most of the shirts I own are from Macy's. They aren't always the best fit for a taller, thinner man with broad shoulders and a smaller waist, but the button-down ones generally look good enough on me so I can pull off the laid-back formal-casual look.