ForumsSupport ForumWhat does it mean when a topic is locked? I cant post anything on that specific topic.

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I just want to know why a topic would be locked, and why I cant access it.

  • 2 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Some reasons from the AG Guide.

A thread can be locked for a variate of reasons. If there is no message from a mod in the locked thread, they might have placed a tag in the title instead, which will explain the lock:
[ans]: The thread has been answered.
[dup]: The thread is a duplicate to another thread.
[spam]: The thread has been spammed to the point where it can no longer be salvaged.
[OPspam]: The opening poster/creator of the thread spammed in creating the thread.
[req]: The creator of the thread has requested for it to be locked.
[necro]/[nec]: This thread has been inactive for too long, and someone posted in it regardless.
[old]: Same as above, the reviving post might just have had a point, though the thread is still too old to have around.
[adv]: The thread contains advertisement for a site, video or anything such related, without any discussion. AG prohibits advertisement of any kind, referrals included.
[what]: Exactly what is says. The moderator that locked the thread has no words.
[No.]: There is breaking the rules, and then there is breaking the rules. This tag is placed if someone is breaking the rules seriously and in such a way that a moderator has no words or patience to write out a proper message.

There are a few more maybe. And mods usually leave a message that's quite clear if it's not any of the above.

14,745 posts

To add to the list already stated by nichodemus... when a thread is answered or the problem is solved, there's no use for it to keep open for posting. This usually renderes the echo-ing of the exact same answer and the discussion itself dies.
Sometimes a problem is addressed and answered, but the thread stays open when it still generates enough posts adding to a discussion about the topic itself.

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