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Hey everyone
- I have a suggestion to the new AG3 that could benefit all members.
The idea is to make some kind of "Recent posts" in each membes profile. ex.
a list of the 10 recent post the member has made.
It will help a lot because each time I post something or comment on something I find it very difficult to find the thread. It is also a good way of distributing the thread as people can browse among accounts and see what other people have commented on and maybe they will find something that is catching their interest too.
It's just that there is no "reply" button so I will not get noticed when people are commenting on a thread :/

  • 1 Reply
9,808 posts

It will help a lot because each time I post something or comment on something I find it very difficult to find the thread.

There is an idea floating around of doing something along the sorts of like "subscribing" to a thread to keep track of it

It is also a good way of distributing the thread as people can browse among accounts and see what other people have commented on and maybe they will find something that is catching their interest too.

I'm not hating on this idea...but it could have negative effects. Like someone harassing another user, following where they post and posting there harassing 'em..y'know? Now a bad idea...I just like to think of both positive and negatives

It's just that there is no "reply" button

The no reply was something I wasn't fond of at I actually like it. It causes users to be more interactive with each other. In other forums..when someone replies to another person that conversation usually stays between them...with our system of quoting what someone says it seems to open the door to allow other users to jump into the conversation as well and make a wider discussion
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