That means the problem you mentioned a few days ago hasn't been solved yet then...
To check, I randomly opened 3 games and see what happened when I hovered over the rating bars, but no link is showing in my browser and nothing happens when I click on the bars anywhere...
Can you tell me if this is specific for a certain game, if this is happening with all rating bars for every game and maybe what system and browser you're using?
I have a feeling it is related to a miss-allignment with the game page that mistakenly displaced a certain link to the ArmorGames homepage underneath the rating bar. But I'd have to know a little about what game(s) and how often it happens, ok? =)
Can you tell me if this is specific for a certain game, if this is happening with all rating bars for every game and maybe what system and browser you're using?
It isn't... It's random. As i have rated random games and this sometimes happens. This is a gltich? ;P
i use Google chrome and it happens in random games example:i was playing lucky tower 2 and when i rated it it started to reload and i was in armor home page. That was the first time it happened
yeah if i hard refresh or relog it is fix 4 that game FYI:i happens 2 me on random games
So the problem is solvable with a hard refresh or re-log then... this would suggest a possible conflict between the ArmorGames website and the Chrome browser. =/
To test, try switching to the Mozilla FireFox browser then. You can download it at the Mozilla website for free and see if the problem continues, because it might be related to the Chrome browser shooting itself in the foot around advertisements maybe? I have to admit it is a confusing problem... =P
(Couldn't specify the Mozilla link any further for you, as I don't know what your OS is, therefor I gave you the homepage portal as a link.)
because i love chrome and Mozilla FireFox not that much because it is not that user-friendly plus it looks kinda old and coarse but chrome looks modern and smooth