Post your funny conversations on omegle. Try your best to keep it somewhat kid-friendly, though I know it's difficult.Spam these people lol ^
I'll get some more up here soon. I guess my other one had potty words in it. But, like you saw, when I do this things tend to get...... Weird to say the least.
Hope this works! That was so much fun!P.S. I'm male.
This should work! I'm male, btw.And that was so fun!
LoL gonna prank on some one!! >.
Why won't it work?Help please, so that I can upload more!
Here is an appropriate one.and another---This one is just the beginning. Im pretty sure I cant post the rest how it is. You can tell by the first section, its gonna get weird.
@MagicTreeYou need to take a screenshot, upload it to an image site, and get the IMG code.
Lol that's mine ^
I know. I thought you missed one out.
This might be better;
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