ForumsSupport ForumHow to secure my armorgames account

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Maybe someone know how can I better secure my account. I mean if someone somehow get to my account, he can change all of my data without any check and steal my account... It's easy for good virus or haker... The change of data is too easy, I think.

  • 3 Replies
2,739 posts

Don't give away your password and username....that is about it. Why would somebody want to hack your account? If Killersup was a hacker, he woul dhack Nich's account of Cenere's...sombody of that high caliber.

13,657 posts

General rules of thumb for internet security are these:
- Change your password often.
- Never use the same password for any of your accounts, be it web site accounts or email accounts.
- As such, your password for this should not be the same as you use for the email account.
- Use different usernames for everything, then anyone with a password would not be able to make any logical conclusions on what more serious accounts would be.
- Always log out when you are done using the account, preferably make sure the computer does not remember either username or password. It's bothersome, but it stops stupid accidents from happening.
- Don't save your passwords and usernames in a file or anywhere that might be accessible through the computer or, for that matter, should your house be robbed.
- If you are entirely paranoid, it might be an idea to make several email accounts, one for each account on a website you make, all with different names and passwords.

Most of these are overkill, but it's usually an idea to at least change the password often, use a nonsense mix of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and if possible, different signs. And then don't use the same password for your account as you do your email.

If Killersup was a hacker, he woul dhack Nich's account of Cenere's...sombody of that high caliber.

If you whine enough, no one would be able to tell the difference, and I would just assume I might have been drunk and wrote stupid stuff on the internet.
5 posts

Tnx fow the information

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