Hello ladies and gentleman today I will be telling you about a once in a lifetime opportunity to win our amazing prize. This only comes round once in a while and if you don't get in now you might miss your chance of winning our stunning prize.
The prize includes two nights of access to AG, a month access to the thread and recognition. Who wouldn't want that? You could get that right now with just a simple entry, just send your phone number and credit card details to 80823084...
Fine I'll be serious. Everyone knows of those dress up games that AG likes to hide at the back of all the game they endorse. These are:
and my personal favourite (And also the lowest rated game on AG) Fasion Dress Up (Yes there is no "H" in the title)
Now I'm hosting a challenge to all of AG. Whoever can make the most ugliest, hideous and disgusting picture in the game wins! We are accepting entries now and I'll be the judge. Once we get 10 entries (Or if one person posts and no one else does for a week) I will judge the entries (Or entry) and decide which entry (Might be the only one) is the most ugliest.
Note: Any similarities between "Armor gamer championship" is completely random.
Just dress up the thing in whatever way you like. It doesn't have to look like mine (If that's what your saying) Just make something random on the game. Shouldn't take more than a minute.