I need another verification email because there's none in my new account email inbox, trash, spam. No need to know why, i just need another one to activate my new account, please.
I wish there's re-send option, so no need bother any Armor games staff and instant solution. Or automatic account cancellation if not verified in 24h. So we can re-use both name and email, not locked forever.
I have contacted support@armorgames.com yesterday, still no response...
Patience is a virtue here Officiator... Justin's reponse time is normally within 24-48 hours on weekdays. So if you send the email yesterday, that means that he has untill tomorrow late afternoon (at least) to respond. But it could very well be that it takes a little while longer, simply because he has a busy schedule at the moment.
Commenting to Ferret could render a quicker response, but it's no guarantee as he has a lot to do at the moment as well.
Are you planning on making an alt account to play multiplayer games? Or are you planning on making a new account to eventually disgard your old one? =)