Welcome to the fourth installment of the Super Star Showdown series. An annual tournament for gamers from different forums to come together and compete against each other.
This edition will feature Kongregate against Armor Games. Gamers, from either forum may enter. Up to sixteen players per forum. Once enough people have signed up the tournament will begin.
The tournament follows a single elimination style structure. That means you will face one opponent per round, with the winners moving on and the losers going home.
The champion, gets rewarded with a trophy sig and avatar. Which is a specially designed art piece to commemorate their victory.
Here are the rules:
1. Scores must be submitted as a screenshot. No other proof will be accepted.
2. All rounds last for exactly 3 days (acording to GMT.) Scores posted before or after the deadline will not be accepted.
3. Hacking is strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate disqualification.
It seems my next opponent has taken a leave of absence as well! Well, I'm going to keep trying to get as close to perfect as possible, just in case helltank tries the old fakeroo on me!
The game is about both time and clicks, but it only makes sense to do one at a time and this makes more sense because of a smaller possibility of a tie.
The number of clicks is too random. That's why I made it the fastest time.
Guess I'll start us off Sour. I think this is going to be the hardest match...
Yes, there are some incredible match-ups this round. Blizzard vs thebluerabbit, Kasic vs Sour, leo vs xerox, WiiPlayer vs Bladerunner, Maistlin vs Iagreewithyou.
Really crazy stuff. I have no idea who will win either.
The number of clicks is too random. That's why I made it the fastest time.
It scores your best click score separately from your best time score, which I find stupid. It should do it by time and then lowest number of clicks, so let's say you get 3:10 twice, but on one you have 240 clicks and on another you have 170. It should keep the 3:10/70 as your best/shadow, but it doesn't.