ForumsForum GamesFSBG (Futuristic Squad Based Game) Reborn

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It is the year 2280, earth made contact with many different alien species making the desolate space of past into a habitat crawling with different species. But all is not well, many different wars were caused by the xenophobia of the humans, but one of the largest, was started by a small mishap. The Midors, a race of tall, slender, reddish skinned aliens tried to start trade relations with earth, having already sent out a small fleet of trade ships to the various colonies on Mars, The Moon, and of course, Earth, they tried to get trading rights with the Humans, but they vehemently refused every time, so the Midorian hierarchy sent word for all the ships to return to the home world, although a small group of three cargo ships didn't get the message, passing through thick cloud of gasses making their communications arrays unable to send or receive messages.

The ships neared the Mars colony, and attempted to radio in, only receiving silence from the humans. Then their orbital defensive guns opened up, ripping the near defenseless cargo ships to pieces, within the month, the Midorian hierarchy got word of the slaughter and quickly mobilized it's armies, and sending word to their cousin race, the Labha, a human sized race of brutish, grey skinned, fiends, comparable to the Human demons, with small set of horns, usually hidden by their hair, and lizard like eyes, broad shoulders and aggressive demeanor. Vassals to the Midors they fight as heavy infantry and shock troops, though can only use the simpler vehicles of the Midorian armored corps, they are still a force to be reckoned with.

After a decade of war, the humans, so desperate for new troopers, have opened up recruitment for the Qul, a slave race to the humans, slightly shorter than humans, they have pale white skin, and have to wear gasmasks to filter out certain gasses found in earth air, as even the small amounts in the air, can be very toxic to them. By now the humans have gone on the offensive, and taken two large colonies of the Midors, and are preparing to go on the defensive, building large defensive structures, and sending a constant stream troops.

Midors: tall, red aliens with long faces and slender bodies, they are super smart but weak. they have advanced armor technology far , their guns are up to snuff but not special (laser weapons with varying levels of power) they live to be 240

Labha:, a human sized race of brutish, grey skinned, fiends, comparable to the Human demons, with small set of horns, usually hidden by their hair, and lizard like eyes, broad shoulders and aggressive demeanor. Advanced weaponry, but primitive armor.
Live to be 70

Qul, a slave race to the humans, slightly shorter than humans, they have pale white skin, and have to wear gasmasks to filter out certain gasses found in earth air, with all average for weapons and armor.

Malkians: Mercenaries, fight for any side that pays they are foot taller than the average human, with long tails, akin to a cat, which allows them to balance better.
Their weapons are primitive, but they have the most advanced armor

Classes:the list goes with weps and armor
primitive/average/advanced depending on the race

Heavy gunner:HK MG4 LMG/MP783 "Red Dot" light laser MG/30mm plasma "Greenie" LMG, Mk. I "Rustbucket" reactive armor/Active Defense Armor (ADA)/MK.IV. Heavy Reactive armor,Mk.II combat blade,small painkiller syringe,field bandages,3 "frisbee" anti tank disk Mines

Shock Trooper:TDI Vector SMG/M2275 Laser SMG/G-55 "Minired" heavy laser SMG,Superlite alloy armor/S&N light combat armor/Laser charged light alloy armor,Mk.II combat blade,small painkiller syringe,field bandages, 2 Heavy Combat Charges, Concussion grenades

Infantryman:HK417/432 JT bolt action plasma rifle/Gewerh Full Auto plasma rifle,Interceptor body armor/MK.I Reactive armor/Wull five Segment Carbon Alloy armor,Mk.II combat blade,small painkiller syringe,field bandages,4 ZX "Dragons breath" laser frag grenades

Sniper: MSR Sniper/ "Rat Slayer" depleted uranium round sniper/RSN laser long range rifle, Ghillie suit/M1 light recon armor/LBSS (Light Bending Stealth System), Mk.II combat blade, small painkiller syringe ,field bandages,2 "Smokey" smokescreen grenades

Medic: TDI Vector SMG/M2275 Laser SMG/G-55 "Minired" heavy laser SMG, Interceptor Armor/ Dragon Skin armor/Modular Medical Reactive Armor (MMRA), Mk. II Combat blade, Medical Kit,

Engineer: Milkor MGL Multiple Barrel Grenade Launcher/ "Gut Puncher" Heavy Grenade Launcher/ ZX Laser grenade Launcher, Mk. I Reactive Armor "Rustbucket"/ Mk. IV Reactive Armor/ Heavy Ceramic Plate Armor, 10 Heavy Explosive charges, 5 ZX Laser Grenades, Repair kit, Mk. II Combat Blade, small Pain Killer Syringe.

You can make your own class, i have nothing against that


Side: Human Empire, or Fandor-Labha unified nation
Squad: 4 (put how what class each squad member is and their names)
Misc.: you can make 5
Health: 100/100
Armor: i put
Traits: i make from your desc.
Perk: i make from bio

i believe that is it

  • 173 Replies
807 posts

Name: Anon. Y. Mous.
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sniper
Side: Fandor-Labha unified nation
Squad: I demand to be alone.
Weapons: Rat Slayer sniper rifle
Armor: LBSS
Misc.: Field bandages, C rations, smoke grenades, swiss army knife?, and bandana. You said Misc.
Health: 100/100
Armor: have armor twice?
Phy.Desc.: Tall, broad-shouldered, shaggy black hair, crooked nose and heavily scarred from numerous battle injuries.
Bio: One of the more idealistic humans, Anon deserted when the war started, believing the Humans to be the aggressors and generally evil beings. He helps the Aliens as a reminder that not all humans are evil. Just most of them.

Well. Detailed. Messy, bit vague, but detailed. I approve. and join.

16,287 posts

Name: Anon. Y. Mous.
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sniper
Side: Fandor-Labha unified nation
Weapons: Rat Slayer sniper rifle
Armor: LBSS
Misc.: Field bandages, C rations, smoke grenades, swiss army knife?, and bandana. You said Misc.
Health: 100/100
Armor Condition:150/150
Phy.Desc.: Tall, broad-shouldered, shaggy black hair, crooked nose and heavily scarred from numerous battle injuries.
Traits:Battle Hardened
Bio: One of the more idealistic humans, Anon deserted when the war started, believing the Humans to be the aggressors and generally evil beings. He helps the Aliens as a reminder that not all humans are evil. Just most of them.

this is a heavily modified version of a (much) older game of mine

also, make a squad, and look at the name before you protest.

And, if you're joining the the enemy, choose either of their weapons types to use, not the humans

16,287 posts

bump for players, new and old

2,316 posts

Name: Anton Von Leeuonhoek
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Qul
Class: Medic
Side: Human Empire
Squad: Julia Heisonbourg, Qul, 20 (sniper), Ludwig Von Heichner, Qul 28 (Infantryman), Anthony "Cowboy" Randleman, 20, Human(?) (Heavy Gunner), Vekel Von Nouman, Qul, 30 (Shocktrooper)
Weapons: M2275 Laser SMG
Armor: Dragon Skin armor
Misc.: Xenobiology studies book, All-species friendly sweets (4)
Health: 100/100
Armor Condition: i put
Phy.Desc.: Pale skin (obviously), black hair, blue eyes, scrawny, 5'8
Traits: i make from your desc.
Bio: Anton was raised on the dirt-filled streets of the Qul homeworld. Everywhere he went he saw some guy injured in some way. Stabbed, shot, throat sliced up, money bags gone, etc. Anton always wanted to help but he lacked the material or skill to do so. However, one day, he'd had enough and dragged a stab/mugging victim to the nearest surgeon. (Or what passed for one in that sector)
Perk: i make from bio

2,316 posts

Name: Anton Von Leeuonhoek
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Qul
Class: Medic
Side: Human Empire
Squad: Julia Heisonbourg, Qul, 20 (sniper), Ludwig Von Heichner, Qul 28 (Infantryman), Anthony "Cowboy" Randleman, 20, Human(?) (Heavy Gunner), Vekel Von Nouman, Qul, 30 (Shocktrooper)
Weapons: M2275 Laser SMG, MK.ll Combat Knife
Armor: Dragon Skin armor
Misc.: Xenobiology studies book, All-species friendly sweets (3), Medical kit
Health: 100/100
Armor Condition: i put
Phy.Desc.: Pale skin (obviously), black hair, blue eyes, scrawny, 5'8
Traits: i make from your desc.
Bio: Anton was raised on the dirt-filled streets of the Qul homeworld. Everywhere he went he saw some guy injured in some way. Stabbed, shot, throat sliced up, money bags gone, etc. Anton always wanted to help but he lacked the material or skill to do so. However, one day, he'd had enough and dragged a stab/mugging victim to the nearest surgeon. (Or what passed for one in that sector)
Perk: i make from bio

Forgot to add some stuff. Anyways, I appreciated you're bringing something like this back, Loco. I was starting to miss these good ol' man-to-man fights.

16,287 posts

Name: Anton Von Leeuonhoek
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Qul
Class: Medic
Side: Human Empire
Squad: Julia Heisonbourg, Qul, 20 (sniper), Ludwig Von Heichner, Qul 28 (Infantryman), Anthony "Cowboy" Randleman, 20, Human (Heavy Gunner), Vekel Von Nouman, Qul, 30 (Shocktrooper)
Weapons: M2275 Laser SMG
Armor: Dragon Skin armor
Misc.: Xenobiology studies book, All-species friendly sweets (4), Medical Kit, Mk. II combat blade
Health: 100/100
Armor Condition: i put
Phy.Desc.: Pale skin (obviously), black hair, blue eyes, scrawny, 5'8
Traits: i make from your desc.
Bio: Anton was raised on the dirt-filled streets of the Qul homeworld. Everywhere he went he saw some guy injured in some way. Stabbed, shot, throat sliced up, money bags gone, etc. Anton always wanted to help but he lacked the material or skill to do so. However, one day, he'd had enough and dragged a stab/mugging victim to the nearest surgeon. (Or what passed for one in that sector)
Perk:Heavy lifting: you can drag people faster and more stably.

although segregated, it isn't uncommon for a human to be with Qul

alright then, you are on a hotly contested world, Troni, formerly a Labha Colony, now home to trenches and battle scarred ground, you are on the island, on the left map, top right. (see below) where you are outside a city, being assaulted by the 5th Qul army, as you stand outside, helmets at your side and ready to attack your officer, a fellow Qul gives you instructions

"In this town, there is also a wrecked troopship, we need whoever can find it to get out any survivors, we'll send some more squads your way, and whoever saves those human boys might even be grateful enough to send some sweets for the whole squad!"

worldgen.cgi?iter=5000&amp<i class=alette=Olsson&cmd=Create&name=Troni&height=500&ampct_ice=0&seed=1477756191&rotate=0&amprojection=Spherical&ampct_water=68&motif=SciFi" alt="" />

16,287 posts

hmm, the map is in two halves, well it's the island in the top right, the larger one

807 posts

Name: Anon Y. Mous "Anony"
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sniper
Side: Fandor-Labha unified nation
Squad: Savell, Human, 28 (Shocktrooper), Vekel, Malikin, 89, (Engineer), Brian Smith, Human, 41, (Medic), Helvian Garess, Labha, 35 (Infantryman)
Weapons: RSN laser long range
Armor: LBSS
Misc.: Field bandages, C rations, smoke grenades, swiss army knife?, and bandana.
Health: 100/100
Armor Condition:150/150
Phy.Desc.: Tall, broad-shouldered, shaggy black hair, crooked nose and heavily scarred from numerous battle injuries.
Traits:Battle Hardened
Bio: One of the more idealistic humans, Anon deserted when the war started, believing the Humans to be the aggressors and generally evil beings. He helps the Aliens as a reminder that not all humans are evil. Just most of them.
Perk: What, I get no perk?

There, happy?

16,287 posts

Name: Anon Y. Mous "Anony"
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sniper
Side: Fandor-Labha unified nation
Squad: Savell, Human, 28 (Shocktrooper), Vekel, Malikin, 89, (Engineer), Brian Smith, Human, 41, (Medic), Helvian Garess, Labha, 35 (Infantryman)
Weapons: RSN laser long range
Armor: Ghillie Suit
Misc.: Field bandages, C rations, smoke grenades, swiss army knife?, and bandana, Mk. II combat blade, Small Pain Killer Syrette,
Health: 120/120
Armor Condition:150/150
Phy.Desc.: Tall, broad-shouldered, shaggy black hair, crooked nose and heavily scarred from numerous battle injuries.
Traits:Battle Hardened: +20 health
Bio: One of the more idealistic humans, Anon deserted when the war started, believing the Humans to be the aggressors and generally evil beings. He helps the Aliens as a reminder that not all humans are evil. Just most of them.
Perk: No, not a good paragraph

Also, i found this amazing fantasy name generator, and a ton of others
clicky click

there, now you are defending a Midorian Colony called Seva, which is a corporate owned schooling center, churning out officers for the military. Near the center of the super continent, you are near a river Delta, where marshy lands make good training grounds for officers in training, while also making it more defensible. A few weeks of duty and in the distance you see small puffs of light, as further out the Planet's Orbital Defense Ring is being pounded by human Frigates, making way for the carriers coming, men are running around you setting up defenses, and the school slowly being turned into a small fortress.

807 posts

Name: Anon Y. Mous "Anony"
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sniper
Side: Fandor-Labha unified nation
Squad: Savell, Human, 28 (Shocktrooper), Vekel, Malikin, 89, (Engineer), Brian Smith, Human, 41, (Medic), Helvian Garess, Labha, 35 (Infantryman)
Weapons: RSN laser long range
Armor: Ghillie Suit
Misc.: Field bandages, C rations, smoke grenades, swiss army knife?, and bandana, Mk. II combat blade, Small Pain Killer Syrette,
Health: 120/120
Armor Condition:150/150
Phy.Desc.: Tall, broad-shouldered, shaggy black hair, crooked nose and heavily scarred from numerous battle injuries.
Traits:Battle Hardened: +20 health
Bio: One of the more idealistic humans, Anon deserted when the war started, believing the Humans to be the aggressors and generally evil beings. He helps the Aliens as a reminder that not all humans are evil. Just most of them.
Perk: Could I get one eventually if I revise my bio please?

I assist in the conversion of school to fortress with my squad, asking around for information on the attacking fleet.

16,287 posts

Name: Anon Y. Mous "Anony"
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sniper
Side: Fandor-Labha unified nation
Squad: Savell, Human, 28 (Shocktrooper), Vekel, Malikin, 89, (Engineer), Brian Smith, Human, 41, (Medic), Helvian Garess, Labha, 35 (Infantryman)
Weapons: RSN laser long range
Armor: Ghillie Suit
Misc.: Field bandages, C rations, smoke grenades, swiss army knife?, and bandana, Mk. II combat blade, Small Pain Killer Syrette,
Health: 120/120
Armor Condition:150/150
Phy.Desc.: Tall, broad-shouldered, shaggy black hair, crooked nose and heavily scarred from numerous battle injuries.
Traits:Battle Hardened: +20 health
Bio: One of the more idealistic humans, Anon deserted when the war started, believing the Humans to be the aggressors and generally evil beings. He helps the Aliens as a reminder that not all humans are evil. Just most of them.
Perk: Could I get one eventually if I revise my bio please?

yeah, i added the link to the name generator for a reason

also you control your squad, not just in combat, they can talk

you help in preparations, assisting in setting up AA guns.

you catch a Lieutenant, Midorian as usual.

"They say that the humans are attacking here, not surprising, this is an outer colony."

807 posts

Name: Anon Y. Mous "Anony"
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sniper
Side: Fandor-Labha unified nation
Squad: Savell, Human, 28 (Shocktrooper), Vekel, Midor, 89, (Engineer), Brian Smith, Human, 41, (Medic), Helvian Garess, Labha, 35 (Infantryman)
Weapons: RSN laser long range
Armor: Ghillie Suit
Misc.: Field bandages, C rations, smoke grenades, swiss army knife?, and bandana, Mk. II combat blade, Small Pain Killer Syrette,
Health: 120/120
Armor Condition:150/150
Phy.Desc.: Tall, broad-shouldered, shaggy black hair, crooked nose and heavily scarred from numerous battle injuries.
Traits:Battle Hardened: +20 health
Bio: One of the more idealistic humans, Anon deserted when the war started, believing the Humans to be the aggressors and generally evil beings. He helps the Aliens as a reminder that not all humans are evil. Just most of them. To prove this, several times he has rushed with his squad into battlefields to aid the aliens, disrearding the human's strength.
Perk: Could I get one eventually if I revise my bio please?

(Made a mistake for my Engineer; for his age he'd be Midor and not Malikain.)
Savell steps up. "Makes sense; Humans always take the path of least resistence. Of course, if what they think is the weakest is crazy strong, then..." He trails off, grinning. Vekel busies himself with the AA turrets, checking each and every one of them. Brian and Helvian sneak off somewhere, probably to commandeer a ship with which to fight.
As for me, I nod and continue assisting, reinforcing trenches and such.

16,287 posts

Name: Anon Y. Mous "Anony"
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sniper
Side: Fandor-Labha unified nation
Squad: Savell, Human, 28 (Shocktrooper), Vekel, Midor, 89, (Engineer), Brian Smith, Human, 41, (Medic), Helvian Garess, Labha, 35 (Infantryman)
Weapons: RSN laser long range
Armor: Ghillie Suit
Misc.: Field bandages, C rations, smoke grenades, swiss army knife?, and bandana, Mk. II combat blade, Small Pain Killer Syrette,
Health: 120/120
Armor Condition:150/150
Phy.Desc.: Tall, broad-shouldered, shaggy black hair, crooked nose and heavily scarred from numerous battle injuries.
Traits:Battle Hardened: +20 health
Bio: One of the more idealistic humans, Anon deserted when the war started, believing the Humans to be the aggressors and generally evil beings. He helps the Aliens as a reminder that not all humans are evil. Just most of them. To prove this, several times he has rushed with his squad into battlefields to aid the aliens, disrearding the human's strength.
Perk: if you give your guy a real name you don't have to do your bio any better for a perk

Brian and Helvian find nothing not already comandeered

you continue, the lone institute of military learning for miles in every direction now surrounded by trenches and heavy guns, after a few days of work it's nearly finished. by night you look up, past the light of the two moons you see fiery shards of hot metal in the distance, what was left of the ODR, now the frigates blockading the planet, with support of huge battleships in the distance

807 posts

Name: Antony Jackson (Good enough?)
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sniper
Side: Fandor-Labha unified nation
Squad: Savell, Human, 28 (Shocktrooper), Vekel, Midor, 89, (Engineer), Brian Smith, Human, 41, (Medic), Helvian Garess, Labha, 35 (Infantryman)
Weapons: RSN laser long range
Armor: Ghillie Suit
Misc.: Field bandages, C rations, smoke grenades, swiss army knife?, and bandana, Mk. II combat blade, Small Pain Killer Syrette,
Health: 120/120
Armor Condition:150/150
Phy.Desc.: Tall, broad-shouldered, shaggy black hair, crooked nose and heavily scarred from numerous battle injuries.
Traits:Battle Hardened: +20 health
Bio: One of the more idealistic humans, Anon deserted when the war started, believing the Humans to be the aggressors and generally evil beings. He helps the Aliens as a reminder that not all humans are evil. Just most of them. To prove this, several times he has rushed with his squad into battlefields to aid the aliens, disrearding the human's strength.
Perk: Oh.

They're here! My squad quickly takes up defensive posistions in the fortress while I speak to the Midorian Lieutenant. "We're going to need reinforcements, can someone get a distress call out to our allies? The Humans want to overwhelm us-we cant let this happen!"

16,287 posts

Name: Antony Jackson (Good enough?)
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sniper
Side: Fandor-Labha unified nation
Squad: Savell, Human, 28 (Shocktrooper), Vekel, Midor, 89, (Engineer), Brian Smith, Human, 41, (Medic), Helvian Garess, Labha, 35 (Infantryman)
Weapons: RSN laser long range
Armor: Ghillie Suit
Misc.: Field bandages, C rations, smoke grenades, swiss army knife?, and bandana, Mk. II combat blade, Small Pain Killer Syrette,
Health: 120/120
Armor Condition:150/150
Phy.Desc.: Tall, broad-shouldered, shaggy black hair, crooked nose and heavily scarred from numerous battle injuries.
Traits:Battle Hardened: +20 health
Bio: One of the more idealistic humans, Anon deserted when the war started, believing the Humans to be the aggressors and generally evil beings. He helps the Aliens as a reminder that not all humans are evil. Just most of them. To prove this, several times he has rushed with his squad into battlefields to aid the aliens, disrearding the human's strength.
Perk: Idealism: you can work Midorian, Technology, as effectively as human tech

"I give the god **** orders here, now get back to your post." he orders

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