ForumsSupport ForumFlash out of date?

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125 posts

I've wanted to play Stick War 2. Loved the original, was happy to see a second installment...

However, the game nag me about my version of Flash (11.0) to be out of date.

When I click on the download link to update, Flash site tell me that the version to upgrade to is version 10 something... So it would in fact be a DOWNgrade.

To warrant for this stupidity, they tell me that I need FireFox 4.0 or higher to be able to use the latest Flash version..? Nevermind the fact that I already have higher than what they recommend me?

Also, I'm using FireFox 3.6.3 because it is the last stable version running under Win2K/XP SP1. I have no intention to upgrade to a higher version since I have no intention to get to SP3.

Recommendations or ideas about how to solve this conundrum are welcome. The simple fact that the game force me not to play even though I suspect my version of Flash would still work fine is getting on my nerve...

  • 11 Replies
12,319 posts

Given what you described, you should try a different browser.

125 posts

Different browsers have the same problem.

Beside, FireFox is clearly superior on all accounts. At least to me and what I want a browser to do.

125 posts


I hate being in a bind because someone at Microsoft decided to sell more software and computers. And [i]only[i] because of that.

Isn't there some way, an add-on perhaps, which could "fool" the game into thinking I'm using an up to date Flash version instead of the one I have?

14,745 posts

I know that you already said that you don't want to use any other browser than FireFox, but I encountered the exact same problem while attempting to play it on my Mac OS-X with FireFox; however, using a different computer and accessing the game with Chrome did enable a full loading sequence and I was able to play it. Maybe it is worth considering when you are set to playing it... =)

125 posts

As far as I've experienced myself, it is the game itself which block me from playing itself and it is not due to a problem in flash itself.

Are you saying that the developers purposely made it so that FireFox users can't play their games?

12,319 posts

As far as I've experienced myself, it is the game itself which block me from playing itself and it is not due to a problem in flash itself.

Are you saying that the developers purposely made it so that FireFox users can't play their games?

I think he's trying to tell you that the problem is with your computer.
14,745 posts

Let's just assume (more than likely) that program and computer developers will always try to come up with ways to have their products sold to the public. Sometimes it can be done through the use of vague methods we don't see right away, but when you shed some light on them, it clearly shows the reason and origin of a problem that shouldn't be happening but was 'created' to persuade people to switch. Think about the 'weird unexplainable problems' microsoft had with FireFox in the past, trying to redirect you to the IE browser instead...

I'm not saying this is an exact same problem/redirecting going on here, but somehow the problem doesn't exist with MS-XP combined with Chrome, but does happen with Mac OS-X combined with FireFox (in my case) apparently...

My thoughts are slightly off topic trying to answer to your statement about redirecting consumers to their desired products, but in the end... this problem can be related to an operating system being outdated and therefor not working together properly with a newer version of a browser and/or flash program. So it's not something you can do, unless there's a computer buff out there who took the time to create a patch for this problem... sorry! =/

125 posts

Yes, of course. I know all that. Thing is, I'm quite forced here to keep the versions I have. Since about a year or two support for XP SP1 was completely dropped (but not XP SP2 or SP3, go figure) and thus the browsers are being arses telling me that they can't work with my operating system. That's completely BS, we both agree with that.

What I was asking was if someone knows of a way to go around this problem. I seem to remember some kind of add-on, maybe Grease Monkey?, which allowed people to alter codes directly as they were using programs or sites. Maybe I could use such an add-on to make the flash program believe I'm actually using what it is asking of me and then I'll be able to see if it works with the version I have or not.

My bet is that it would still work fine without an hitch. Heck, it is the first game which bug me down for such a thing and every single other new games don't have a problem whatsoever with me running the version of FF or Flash I have.

It is just like the trouble I had with my 10 years "outdated" graphic card until I stumbled upon Omega Drivers. The normal Nvidia drivers were utter crap, actually lowering my card efficiency as new drivers got out... But with Omega drivers, not only eveyrything work fine (even with modern games!) but it work even better than it used to be!

12,319 posts

Yes, of course. I know all that. Thing is, I'm quite forced here to keep the versions I have. Since about a year or two support for XP SP1 was completely dropped (but not XP SP2 or SP3, go figure) and thus the browsers are being arses telling me that they can't work with my operating system. That's completely BS, we both agree with that.

Why would you be unable to update your operating system?
125 posts

It is a choice more than anything. This computer I am using is 10 years old too. So updating would not only slow my computer down but also most probably break many games I have stored and which I play at least once a year. Plus, the only real point of updating to SP2 and SP3 is security upgrades that I don't need because I'm keeping care of my own PC security. This computer have been running SP1 for 10 years and I never had a single security problem nor did I ever had to reinstall this OS.

I'm an hardcore gamer and I assume that fact very well.

125 posts

Update on this.

Okay. So since everybody pretty much ignored my problem I simply let it drop and all.

But yesterday I got the opportunity, from a friend computer who is also running Windows XP Home (but SP3 and all latest updates in), to log in to AG when I was alone and bored. When I saw this game I thought it would be a good opportunity to see what it really is when it work right.

Turned out that the computer didn't even have flash installed. So I kindly launched the auto-updater for my friend to install it. I noticed that the auto-update picked the exact same version of flash than I am using... And the game didn't work either.

I think that there might not even be a higher flash version than 11.something for XP users anymore (the higher versions being made for 64 bits compatible OSes?). And this completely prevent me from playing that game simply because the developers decided not to make it compatible with it.

And that, my friend, plainly ____. It is bad enough when big companies decide to try to force you to upgrade your system so you purchase their new product... But if game producers do the same then it's even worse.

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