Just because I felt like this was fitting for this thread, one of my friends and I stumbled upon the ponies program that one of our friends messed with others with during high school. We are currently in the process of setting it up on a memory stick to, of not automatically, be set up to start up when one of our other friends starts up his computer. The pony lulz shall be maximum! xD
Wooden Toaster, Living Tombstone, Mic the mic, IBringDaLulz (All four making up Twenty Ten)
Just a few
look below at what i have found on youtube in the comments section of a video:
Mandopony, acoustic brony, the living tombstone, glaze (wooden toaster), prince whateverer, ankwardmarina, h8seed, gatopaint, rinachan, dbpony, bronyfied, alex s, sim gretina, mic the microphone, pony1kenobi (or something like that), ibringthelulz, echeleon, forest rain, super euro pony beat, all levels at once, TuXe, artattack, Dasha, sherclop pones (kinda), liquid cobalt, dj MHM, rainbowcrash88, coconeru, and the rainfall, jackleapp, Sci, ark,aviators, chichi. Sorry for the late response =P
if you do not care about some spoilers then you should try out My Little Brony.
I absolutely love My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. In a week's time I saw every episode, listened to almost every song like twenty times, and read tons of FimFictions. Frankly I love the show just because it always makes me really happy...
Xzeno made me get into MLP and for that he sucks and rocks.
I'm not crazy about it, I just find it cute and adorable and I appreciate some cute and adorable things. I don't know all of the names of every last pony in the entire show but I do like it.