Name your favorite gun, no it can't be something you used in a game, Something you've used in reallife. I have to go with the 44 Magnum. It has great dmg output, It has limit ammo but if your a good shot you'll only need one. Also nice when hunting if a bear runs at you it takes care of it in one shot. Drawbacks are it requires 2 hands or you risk the chance of getting hit in the head due to it's high recoil. If you have quickload clips then loading in another 6 rounds is easy enough. Did you know it is the most powerfull handgun in the word? Entering a hole the size of your thumb, exiting the size of a bowling ball. One hit renders anyone dead, due to it being able to rip off limbs. It may sound gruesome, I know, but it is great for hunting.
Seriously?!?! You want to start discussing guns a few days after two major shooting incidents where persons, human beings, were shot and injured or killed?!