The image you linked shows the starting page of the MMO game here on ArmorGames... are you saying that when you click the "Play Now" button, nothing happens at all? Or does the game show an error message when you clicked it? Because the first could indicate a problem with the link here at ArmorGames and the second could indicate a problem with the server connection, which are two different things. =)
@ SaLvInZ : Sometimes the servers are down and you simply need to wait and retry over and over to get access. Since the games are hosted by ArmorGames, they can't do anything about it because it is situated at the game developers end. If the problem is related to your account here, they could help, so that's a different matter. =)
Also, for future problems, please make a new thread instead of reviving an old one. This only causes confusion, ok? Thank you! =)