So, I think generally "What is the best game" threads are frowned upon in Tavern, but here is a rare exception. Voting will begin December 26th, feel free to talk about the games you feel might win.
For top shooting, I would vote Infectonator 2 because of the fun gameplay, strategy style, zombie infecting fun. It's what you get when you cross a strategy game with gamers favorite topic nowadays: Zombies. Plus, burrito bison is extremely repetetive and not very addicting to me.
So we will be able vote for the top game of each category, and also for the winner of each "battle" in the octagon-of-doom between two games? It's morning here, so my perception of the awards might be a little wonky.
I'm pretty sure I'll be voting for Stick War 2/Stick Empires for top strategy, but other than that I'll have to do some research (aka playing games) to figure out some of the others.