As I was doing a christmas quest on Maestia I saw the npc of santa. I remembered one christmas that I was so shocked when I received a gift from santa. No one told me to whom it came from but my mom and dad as well as my aunts and uncles said that it was from santa! Weird as it may sound, I still believe in santa until now. You? Do you still believe in Santa?
I think Christmas is funny in general because it sprouts from a very old pagan holiday and to increase acceptance holiday with no facts supporting that day. (also its ironic as the holiday was extremely violent, and stuff) Look it up its easy enough to find. So how some jolly old man from cocacola commercials is real eludes me.(before coca cola santa didn't have a set image (in the us) and maybe wore yelllow and was skinny with multiple other variations).
Well the thread is still going because a 19 YEAR OLD BELIEVES IN SANTA.
any 19 year old that says he believes in santa, acting in a serious way is just a troll. no1 whit a right mind would believe these fairy tales at that age.