now AG is slow to use (if even gets to see ag frontpage) past 45 mins and most likely due that I can't play Badeggsonline (can't login since I get error msg saying Connection Failure) and once I got Forbidden You don't have permission to use *AG's url of badeggsonline*. I can play BEO as guest via AG but that would be useless.
Same thing affects other MMOs too since even those can't be played (error msg in Sorcery Quest says
AuthenticationFailed: Failed to connect to
The same thing just happend to me.I do agree that playing as a guest is worthless.You can't level up or get new weapons or shells.People work on their game to be the best.And if you can't be the best,then whats the point.This should be fixed so everyone can freely.There is also no excuse for this either.AG is one of the top gaming sites and this happens.