I can't get any of the MMO games to load I tried IE and Chrome no luck on either. All the other games I tried that are not MMO seem to work fine. Thanks for the help in advance....................
Same to me. Tried to start several MMO games (legacy of a thousand sun s, pirate galaxy, dino storm, kings bounty, the last stand etc) but none of them is loading - neither in ff nor in ie. Only Dawn of the Dragons is working... Hope someone can fix this?!
um something weird happened to me .... i was waiting for the problem to be solved then i got bored wrote my bio on my AG acc and BAM!!! all MMO's work agn not sure if the admins fixed it or was magic XD
it shows that armorgames doesnt invest in servers. they have more customers, earn more cash so what is the problem? that is the reason of playing in box games. you pay = you get quality. here you pay too but get lags or out of service.
[UPDATE] tried the same as KnightDavian and I worked for me. I just edited a single point of my ag profile and the MMOs are working again... Hope this helps
nope it didnt work. admins just fixed something for a while (dunno what they did, maybe resetted something), so it works for all. but remember - only for a while.