Title says it all. I think it might be cool to be able to "fave", "heart", "like", a certain game developer. The icon could be placed next to their AG name at the game description area. It would serve the same purpose as faving a game except for an actual developer.
Even though it is a nice idea devsaupa, this can already be accomplished by adding that game developer to your friends list. This will now be registered (for lack of a better word) in this way, but this might be divided into two separate things in the future. I'm not saying this is actually how it's going to be, but there were plans for having two separate features on behalf of the AG users and their profiles. One would be to become friends by accepting back and forth through invitation and the other would be to follow a certain user, which is the same thing as you are suggesting here. =)
This would also make it hard because you would have to have a different account for developers then actual players. Because you could just like/follow/heart anyone; not just developers. A lot of the developers of the games just do that and don't really comment or rate games; they just have an account because there is no other way to submit a game withuot an account.