Well... You just nixed any further account activity for yourself. We'll see ya later.
If the ads bother you, I would recommend that you get Ad-Block plus. It's a free ad-on for Chrome and Firefox, and would enable you to block those out.
A lot of the advertisements shown on ArmorGames are controlled by what you have searched for yourself on the internet. This means that when you have visited a commercial website selling shoes (for example) an advertisement for this website will most likely end up on one of the pages you visit here. Uncle Google is watching you... =)
And adding an ad-blocker might be a solution to your problem, but it also works against this websites ability to earn money and keepin it a free one for you to enjoy... think about that!
Even though you are stating the obvious here GOM, some things happen, even before other things happen... the question was asked nontheless, simply to find out more about the alleged semi-nude image.
Since the problem was seen, confirmed and filed, this thread is now locked. =)