Yeah I'm going to be adding some puzzles like this in the next GZ, probably a lot more obvious and simple but yeah.
Name: Kenji
Age: 23
Athletic Abilities: Strength, Agile
Gender: Male
HP: 67/100
Hunger: 19/50
Thirst: 4/10
Items: Survival Knife, 6 Rations[10 Hunger Each], 1 Big water bottle[5 Thirst Each],
Weapons: ASP-50 'R1SK' Sniper Rifle. 5/5 [88% Charge] Tier 1, 'Blue Flames' Katana, 'Oceans Descent' Katana, 5 Popper 'Nades
Gear: Light Full Body Armor
Ohh right you have a push dagger. Alright, I heat the dagger with the 'Blue Flames' katana until it's red hot, then hand it to him. I put him on the floor of the cabin, then use 'Blue Flames' to melt the ice in his chest. I take both katanas and inspect the rest of the cabin
~You lay Ghalaghor on the floor and melt the ice. You take the push dagger and heat it up until it turns mildly red. You tell Ghalaghor that it's going to hurt and he might even go into shock. You push the dagger against the wound and you hear a sizzling sound and with that a very loud scream. He passes out from the pain but now his wound is fully closed up. You get a large piece of cloth from his clothing and wrap it around the wound and tie it. You try and drag him onto the nearest bed an lay him there. You grab your Katanas and inspect the upper floor and basement. Seems safe enough. The door has no lock though and there are only 3 or 4 windows. There is a kitchen with a fridge but that's it.
*Name: Ghalaghor
*Age: 20
*Athletic Abilities: Strength, Endurance
*Gender: Male
7/10*Items: Survival Knife,
2 Rations[10 Hunger Each], 2 Cooked Fish, 2 Big Empty Water Bottle, 3 full Glock Magazines, 10 Twigs, 2 Wooden Spears.
*Weapons: Glock 35 Gen 8 .40 S&W (w/ Stock) 6/13, Push Dagger XV (T-Shaped Dagger), 2 Flash bangs
*Gear: Light Full Body Armor [20% ND]
i eat one ration and drink some water, but i keep the empty bottle.
~You eat and drink before going into the cabin. You then lay down so Kenji can attempt to heal you. Before you know it you pass out. (You must wait for Kenji to post and you will wake up after that. Luckily you have a partner who's very active here xD)
[12 Hp Lost]
*Name: Tarren Ward
*Age: 19
*Athletic Abilities: Sprinter, Endurance.
*Gender: Male
*HP: 100/100
*Hunger: 36/50
*Thirst: 5/10
*Items: Survival Knife, Rations [10 Hunger Each], 1 Big water bottle [5 Thirst Each], 1 med-pack, 15 Arrows
*Weapons: 3 Time 'Nades, M931 Plasma Pistol [charge 80%]
*Gear: Medium Full Body Armor [24% ND]
*TEAM: Dead Parents Squad
I head towards the entrance but also stop at the doorway for pang.
~You both head in the building. You notice a hallway and another door. There isn't any other way so you both continue on through. As you open the second door your eyes are blinded by light. And the door behind you closes shut. You are now both in a medium sized room with red painted walls. There is nothing, just an empty room. There are 4 doors. There is also a sign right smack dab in the middle of the room. It reads, ''To survive, those that are 1 become 2, so to thrive.'' The doors have symbols over them. They are animals.

*Name: pang tzu
*Age: 19
*Athletic Abilities: Strength and Endurance
*Gender: Male
*HP: 65/100
*Hunger: 36/50
*Thirst: 5/10
*Items: Survival Knife, 3 Rations [10 Hunger Each], 1 Big water bottle [5 Thirst Each], 1 med-pack, detachable claw
*Weapons: dETRA Claw, 3 Time âNades, HT Crossbow Tier 1 [40 Arrows]
*Gear: Light Full Body Armor [20% ND]
*TEAM: Dead Parents Squad
I head in with Tarren
~You both head in the building. You notice a hallway and another door. There isn't any other way so you both continue on through. As you open the second door your eyes are blinded by light. And the door behind you closes shut. You are now both in a medium sized room with red painted walls. There is nothing, just an empty room. There are 4 doors. There is also a sign right smack dab in the middle of the room. It reads, ''To survive, those that are 1 become 2, so to thrive.'' The doors have symbols over them. They are animals.

I'm off to football practice so I got this just in time. Sorry if I missed anyone. I'll be back around 10-11 pm EST.