*Name: Tarren Ward
*Age: 19
*Athletic Abilities: Sprinter, Endurance.
*Gender: Male
*HP: 92/100
*Hunger: 36/50
*Thirst: 5/10
*Items: Survival Knife, 6 Rations [10 Hunger Each], 1 Big water bottle [5 Thirst Each], 1 med-pack, 15 Arrows
*Weapons: 1 Time 'Nades, M931 Plasma Pistol [charge 75%]
*Gear: Medium Full Body Armor [24% ND]
*TEAM: Dead Parents Squad
I open the chest and see what's inside.
~You open the chest:
*KS Plasma Shotgun [Charge 100%] (Slug type not buckshot)
*2 Popper Nades (explode on inpact)
The lights start to dim down and the door is starting to close.
Name: Kenji
Age: 23
Athletic Abilities: Strength, Agile
Gender: Male
HP: 62/100
Hunger: 19/50
Thirst: 4/10
Items: Survival Knife, 6 Rations[10 Hunger Each], 1 Big water bottle[5 Thirst Each], Medpacks [3]
Weapons: *ASP-50 'R1SK' Sniper Rifle. 5/5 [76% Charge] Tier 1*, 'Blue Flames' Katana, 'Oceans Descent' Katana, 5 Popper 'Nades, Random Unidentified Semi-Automatic Weapon
Gear: Light Full Body Armor
Holding the swords in a defensive position, I run straight forward out of the gas cloud. I sheath a sword, then grab the semi-auto gun he threw away dramatically. Ha.
~You run straight out of the gas and grab the gun. You still can't see the guy or Ghalghor for that matter. You remember that there is 2 of them now. You see 3 shadows in the smoke all standing still. You then hear something behind you and realize there is only 2 shadows now. You quickly turn around but the enemy grabs you and throws you to the floor with all his might, You recieve an extreme impact to the shoulder. The enemy is now in position to go for the kill, he raises his sword and starts to run at you.
*Name: Shadow White
*Age: 18
*Athletic Abilities: Strength, Agile
*Gender: Male
*HP: 100/100
*Hunger: 37/50
*Thirst: 4/10
*Items: Survival Knife, 4 Rations[10 Hunger Each], 1 med-pack. 1 Key.
*Weapons: Unidentified Small Pistol, Heavy Plasma Longsword [100% Charge] Tier 2, 3 Blazing Gas 'Nades, Plasma Pocket Knife
*Gear: Light Full body Armor [20% ND]
*TEAM: Blue
I head for the gun shots, my gun out, just in case.
~You run as quickly as possible and run past the cabin. The gunshots are silent now and you see a big smoke cloud in the distance. You're behind a tree just in case no one sees you. You notice someone come out from the gas cloud and grab a gun on the floor. After this another person appears out of thin air behind that same person and throws him at least 15 feet across. The person seems to be going for the kill now since he's running at him with his sword up. You also notice 2 other shadows in the smoke cloud not moving whatsoever.
*Name: blue wing
*Age: 19
*Athletic Abilities: agility, sprinter
*Gender: male
*HP: 80/100
*Hunger: 37/50
*Thirst: 7/10
*Items: Survival Knife, 6 Rations [10 Hunger Each], 1 Big water bottle [5 Thirst Each], 1 med-pack, 1 Bandage, Flr89 Flask [5 Servings left, 3 Thirst Each].
*Weapons: Anaconda RPX Plasma [100% Charge]
*Gear: Medium Full Body Armor [34% ND]
*TEAM: Green
i will open the box
~Seems like an upgrade for your weapon. It's an Anaconda RPX Plasma [100% Charge]. There is also 2 flash bangs and also a small plasma dagger. You grab everything and then hear something behind you. You quickly duck down and hear someone pass by you. You look back up and notice the same guy that let you go before running towards the cabin, or what seems to be the gunfire. The cabin is pretty much in flames now and there is some weird smome behind it, like a smoke grenade went off.
*Name: Ghalaghor
*Age: 20
*Athletic Abilities: Strength, Endurance
*Gender: Male
96/100*Hunger: 31/50
*Thirst: 7/10
*Items: Survival Knife, 2 Rations[10 Hunger Each], 2 Cooked Fish, 2 Big Empty Water Bottle, 2 full Glock Magazines, 10 Twigs, 2 Wooden Spears, 6 .40 Bullets.
*Weapons: Glock 35 Gen 8 .40 S&W (w/ Stock) 7/13, Push Dagger XV (T-Shaped Dagger), 2 Flash bangs
*Gear: Light Full Body Armor [20% ND]
i try to find and get the R1SK. i hold it in my left hand and my glock in my right hand, waiting for the enemy while i try to get out of the gas cloud.
~You search around the floor and grab something. You pick it up and it's the R1SK. You hold it up in your left hand and put the glock in your other. You can't really see anyone but you assume Kenji head out of the gas to have a better chance. You hear footsteps around you and you only see 1 shadow quickly moving around you but barely noticable. You then feel a sharp pain on the left side of your face. You feel your jaw get crunched by brute force. You go flying into the air and fall a few feet away form your original position. You're in good shape but that was a rough hit. You then here feet stomping towards you.
[4HP] [6 Bullets from before...]
*Name: pang tzu
*Age: 19
*Athletic Abilities: Strength and Endurance
*Gender: Male
*HP: 47/100
*Hunger: 36/50
*Thirst: 5/10
*Items: Survival Knife, 1 Rations [10 Hunger Each], 1 Big water bottle [5 Thirst Each], 1 med-pack
*Weapons: dETRA Claw, HT Crossbow Tier 1 [32 Arrows]
*Gear: Light Full Body Armor [3% ND]
*TEAM: Dead Parents Squad
I go towards what's left of the crab and examine it (same reason as the last creature I examined).
Then..I head towards the pedestal (I hope you meant to say there was a chest on there like Tarren..if not..touché
~Eh there isn't much left of the stupid crab. It's pretty much a cream now. You head to the chest on the pedestal and check inside:
*20 Arrows
*Medium Full Body Armor [30% ND]
The lights are dimming and the door is closing.