Since a couple days ago the home page has been completely messed up. Every other part of the site works just fine, its just the home page that is completely unusable. Heres a screenshot of it.
Id appreciate any help that anyone can give. Thanks.
Looks to me like a problem with the loading of the page... do you have some sort of adblocker active maybe that could interfere with the page not loading fully? The loading of the homepage shouldn't require flash or java, or suffer any effect from clearing cookies by the way...
Try switching to another browser and see if the problem persists. =)
Yeah I thought it seemed like a page loading problem as well. I just checked java and flash for updates and there weren't any. I tried it on internet explorer and it did the same thing. I also use No Script, but thats never been an issue before and even with it off it still doesnt work. Also clearing my cookies didn't help either. Is there some other information I could provide that would be of help in fixing this?
I can't see the screenshot of the first post... However, I get a distorted listing of the "new games" listed on the main page.
Doesn't stop the page from loading, doesn't actually stop anything... Except that one or more game break the page up and it end up taking more than half the page for no good reason I can think of.
Also, it seem to happen only once in a while. It is not constant. Half the time the page load fine. It is quite the strange error.