As I have said before, they are too extreme for me.
but you still defend them.
it's like whit the quo-ran. you defend it as it is written, but you do not live that way entirely.
but still I don't see frenchies as saviours
they aint, they are giving a helping hand. the UN as a whole is needed here. (same trick as usa used whit libya)
because right now, there are tuaregs, Islamists and the army fighting
tuaregs and islamists vs army.
the tuaregs fight for the libaration of azawad.(MNLA) azawad does no longer exists. if we would give them azawad then we have to give them most of mali, all of algeria,a big chunk of libya and a little bit of niger and chad.
if they really want to end it all, they can divide the mali in parts where tuaregs are in majority, islamists are in majority and others are in majority.
i forsee another and bigger israel/palestina conflict.
people do not want to leave where they have lived for generations. where they live is there land and all party's live on the same ground.
this would not end it. it would only make it worse.
But right now, french forces have went in to stop Islamists
no no.
mali has asked france (and many more who did not react) to join them in a war to take back control over the land that was occupied by terrorist groups.
mali has been in war whit these groups since this summer when the mali president was elected. (1 week later it started)
and because the mali army alone isn't able to fight these rebellions and was actually losing ground. the frence reacted started to help them.
if they didn't, entirely mali would have been taken over. turning it into another afghanistan.
and that is Islamophobia in my opinion.
it's not because they did not started to fight them because they are islamics.
it's are terrorist groups that got of the radar of the usa war in fghanistan and are now regrouping in a other country. if usa did it's job well. then there wouldn't have been a a surprise that there are so many of them behind them and that they were happily taken control over a other country.
mali is still 2/3 under islamist control and fear have arisen that they might settle into libya if push further.
your latest news is kinda old tho. they are in fact already in libya. they are already all across algeria.
it's much bigger then just mali. but mali has been taken over and was already in war whit thhem. so that is where it starts and where 90% of the action will be. (for now)