You have to first buy workstations and hire every available worker in the city(new workers are available every in-game month). One you have done that, wait for the current month to be over and click on the 'Relocate to *city name*'. I can't quite remember what you have to do after that, but by then I think you can figure the rest out by yourself.
What I'm more interested in is how on earth do I actually win more awards? It seems like I'm always at least a step behind the rest of the competition, and I can't make enough money to develop my staff enough to put out good quality titles and this screws up my sales, and it turns into a vicious cycle.
Strop, it sounds like you invest too much on on-the-job training and worker education, thus you lose labor productivity while simultaneously increasing the operating costs. This is due to the fact that training is the primary cause of higher earnings. The general rule of thumb is that the allocation of resources on education should be expanded only to the point where the present value of the streams of returns to marginal investment is equal or greater than the marginal costs.
Just try not to train your workers too early and don't be afraid to make games! You know, the games don't have to be good, especially in the beginning, they just have to be profitable. haha
Does anyone know how to fix glitched workers? I have an entire ten-man team doing absolutely nothing but eating, drinking, and going home. Unfortunately, due to some strict labor laws, I can't fire them. Luckily, large projects take 20 and you can have up to 30, but I have wasted potential just draining my resources.
it sounds like you invest too much on on-the-job training and worker education
I concur. At what point does using the better tools that come with specialisation become a worthwhile investment? I haven't quantified it, but I note that since workers don't gain exp in areas other than their specialisation, it would be a mistake to do it before they've got max experience in at least 2 areas, does that sound right?
Buy the maximum amount of workers for the city you're in. Then finish the month and relocate to the next city.
What I'm more interested in is how on earth do I actually win more awards?
Well it took me a while to get all of them, but all I did was just make a ton of ''large'' games until I was able to get almost all except 1 award. At this point my money was flying through the roof. Once you have a lot of money and maximum workers you should create a bunch of medium games after about 2 large games, it should then give you all the awards.. That's how I did it anyways.
At what point does using the better tools that come with specialisation become a worthwhile investment?
Usually once you have 10+ workers, when you're able to afford to make a medium sized game.
How to get a worker skill to 70%? I making games, one guy have 100% skill in arts, but achievement isn't unlocked :c
Goumas, are you saying that we have to make tons of games in the beginning to increase our revenue then only we start working on our workers? Until we can make medium games after what sourwhatup said?
What I like to do is hire 4 workers one for each specialization and make a game focused on coding, if you watch the writing or other spec will be completed real fast then take that person and put on training for his/her specialty while the coder is finishing then next game focus on writing and train the coder.
after all 4 are trained up, make sure for each game you produce with those 4, put maximum funding on those releases. and hire 4 more and put lowest funding on those 4 while training them up etc. etc.
before you know it you will have lot of income DON'T start on 10 unit games until you have 20 units half of them fully trained and other half not. Take the half trained units and max funding on them lowest funding on the non trained units
To be honest I trained all my workers as quickly as I could. At one point I actually was at -10k But eventually it went up and from then on out I was making large games making millions
you can watch this vid I made unfortunately it is 48 mins long O.O but I stopped when I hit 2 million so you really don't have to watch it all the way, also... no audio so kinda boring and I didn't speed it up good luck
The best way I've found in the beginning was when I was doing a test run. I wanted to get all 4 aspects of 4 workers to 100% before specializing them. My goal was to have a team of 4 workers who would add specialization to a project but who could also work on other fields as to speed up the game making process and thus reduce downtime from the other workers who finish early.
Found out that they kind of "forget" all what they did when they specialize... So this was really disappointing... However, I was literally swimming in cash by the time I was ready to move to Vancouver. And winning more awards than anybody else too.
So, I'd have to say: at the beginning, forget about specializing your workers until you get about 4 fully educated workers (100%x4 fields). Just keep flooding the market with cheap games. Then specialize the new workers you will eventually hire once you move to another city (or later on, whatever).