This thread is a place to discuss quests for Epic Combo Redux. Here is a list of the current quests available for this turtle-smashing game...
Twenty For One
Earn a 20 combo or higher, buying a maximum of one upgrade.
Difficulty: Easy
Combonator: I Barely Knew Her!
Earn a thousand combo, no problem.
Difficulty: Easy
100 Turtle Rush
Get a combo of 100 or more before 2 minutes on the clock.
Difficulty: Medium
One MILLION Doll-... I mean Combos.
Earning a million combo is no laughing matter. Grab that hammer and get those turtles flying for a 1,000,000 combo in one run and this achievement is yours.
Difficulty: Medium
One Hundred Freaking Million
Wow, really? You stuck around for ONE HUNDRED MILLION? (This is best done in unlimited mode since original mode caps out.)
Difficulty: Hard
In order to have this Quest unlock, you need to finish your combo run. Either by letting it run out on its own, or by ending it by clicking the 'End Combo Early' button in the game!
Well. Im about 2 hours from getting the 100m for the second time as the first tine the quest didnt unlock for whatever reason and today i finally decided to do it again. Please give me the quest this time!
From 1.4m-2.4m I got 5:31 minutes per million with an average of 33 seconds per 100k. Assuming the lag doesn't get worse, this should be done in just over 9 hours....
I didn't cut the game screen perfectly.
It was all about hitting with the hammer at a very precise time and skillfully pressing buttons to not let the turtles fall on the ground.
Also buying buzzsaws enough to fill the whole screen and floor.
And waiting 5 hours.
To anyone who's never played this game before and is thinking about snapping up these quests, you may not want to bother with the last one. It requires you to idle for a good 20 hours or so. You may be able to cut those hours in half with the right set up, but 10 hours is still a very, very long time and won't be worth it for most. Besides, it's only a hard quest. It should be insane, but it's just hard for some stupid reason. I should also mention that I don't think leveling up your flow makes any difference after level 9, and the game itself is not a good one. If you want a great game with a similar concept, play the Ragdoll Achievement games.