A knight? In my factory? Is there some big flashing sign above my factory, saying "HUMANS, COME HERE!" or something? *Walks outside* *Looks up* Oh, that would explain it.
MUHAHAHA! That activated my final trap card "Change to MTG, and make null and void all other cards played before this." (I'm almost tempted to go through the whole turn.)
I immediately trap you, because penguins can be sold for lots of money. Also I want to make your beak and feet into a new drug called, "Notpenguins drugs".
I play "revolt of alicorns and mutations" (effect:If "rainbow factory of death"is in the opponent's side of the feild,all opponent's alicorn creatures are discarded,and the remaining monsters take 1000 damadge.) *goes to my own dragon factory* *stands on X* *pushes button* *changes back to full dragon* get out of my factory please?
(Is this still Yu-gi-oh, or not? If not, then option B) Option A: I only had one Alicorn in play, the other four slots are pegasi. I play Rainbow maker: For every pegasi on the board gain 500 attack. It then destroys any monster you have. Option B: I play my second All is dust, then summon It that Betrays. (Option B is MTG, if you're wondering.)