Say how you would react if the above avatar popped up in your bedroom all of a sudden while you sleep.plz don't say anything offensive.enjoy
What is up with all these empty presents?! Give me a break dammit!
You can give me to someone you hate with satisfying results.
Great. Now the presents are talking. Am I going mad?
You've always been mad. Your entire life has been a product of your imagination.
Oh no, this is the present that Darkfire was talking about.. NOT ME PLEASE!! *ninjad*
You know I stabbed your floor with your arrows right Loop_Stratos?
That's going to be a pain to fix.
What's this?
Sad to say elf but you're in the wrong building in the wrong city.
I'll ask you again: Did you collect any souls lately?
I'm always collecting and re-collecting souls. When I give them back, no-one knows. I like to keep it a surprise.
Reaper, you will pay for collecting my soul!
So you're saying I should die? It's a pity reapers can't die.
But we can get high I'm the new demon recruit for getting people... high!
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