Say how you would react if the above avatar popped up in your bedroom all of a sudden while you sleep.plz don't say anything offensive.enjoy
Why do so many people want to draw me while i just want to sleep peacefully in my cave?*Burns*
AH! Don't burn me please!! I just wanna draw your beautiful dragon form!
...Fine,bu you have to leave as soon as you finish.Otherwise i will be angry.
*goes back to sleep*
aaa fire!!!! HEEELP!!!!
And @AustinsGirl88 i draw mostly dragons, then animals and some times warriors and you?
Sweet!!! I draw mostly animals... @snjezana_hadzic! Now i can draw a ninja! Hold still!
@AustinsGirl88 What animals do you draw?
-Seriously you again?! I really have to lock my room before i go to sleep...
Ninja... He should go sleep... /:
Fire man?! i run , fill a bathtub and stay in it.
I watch him run down the road from my window,then go back to sleep.
How to Train a Dragon Part #3
I pet the ferret then go back to sleep.
Run Boy Run
Hey ninja! How are you doing? I'm back!
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