i don't believe in heaven and hell,because i don't belive that anyone could attain the word - sinless. since there's no heaven,there shouldn't be hell.
neither do i beleive in rebirth.
i just belive people to die and waste away,but i hope people do be sinless~
For some reason reincarnation has always stuck with me as being a more plausible explanation of things. Being Agnostic, I am already so up in the air about everything. I feel like we have minds (souls) that are attached to our brain in some way. Maybe our soul doesn't need the physical aid of what our body does to survive, so that makes me think that your soul (mind) lives on and can seek a new anchor.
What does attaining sinlessness have anything to do with reaching heaven or hell? Every person that has ever lived, except for Jesus and Mary, is sinful. This is all starts back to the very first sin comitted by Adam and Eve, but most people know that story, so I won't repeat it.
Reincarnation has no real relation with Heaven and hell because those concept belong to completely different religions.
how can you even be an atheist?! thats terrible! and of course theres a place. your soul gos to heaven but your body stays here. and if you go to hell, your soul and body gos there until god forgives you then you go to heaven. ~Stumpyyy~
^^Why would you say something so biased? Just because Ash is an Athiest doesn't mean that it is terrible! I bet some athiests think the same about Christianity. I do believe that your soul goes to heaven, but I have never heard of the soul AND body going to hell. I think it says somewhere in the bible that once you go to hell, there is no going to heaven. If I may ask, what religion to you believe in Stumpy?
My beliefs about heaven and hell are unsure. I used to believe you do good, love God and bring him into your heart than you will go to heaven, if not you will go to hell. But then if you think about it. If God is this all loving being, and forgives all sins, how would he send you to hell. I recently lost a lot of my beliefs over this subject and I'm not sure exactly why. I have also thought about this though. What if there is a God and you don't believe him, well the Bible says you got to hell. But then also, what if another religion is the totally correct one. Well then in that God's eyes, whatever bad that happens to us after death, happens.
A lot of people, except for the choice few, want to believe that there is something after death, that they can't just live 90 years here and then it's over. They want to have the feeling that something else is in total control. That is why people believe in religion. I believe without religion, the world would be in chaos. Religion is kind of what keeps a lot of people in line. I once heard someone say, "Religion, is a myth set about to keep people morally good."
Yes, i do believe Heaven and Hell exists, and is very real, with certain treasures in Heaven, and consequences in Hell. I am a devout christian, and of course, I do believe in God and the Bible. Since it clready states in the Bible that there is a Heaven and there is a Hell, I clearly believe that those places exist. And I believe there will be a judgement day to see where you are headed too.
I believe heaven and hell is a farce. @RathRaid- Why do you believe in the Bible? You have no proof that it wasn't just some ridiculous joke someone wrote. @Henry- You need to support your point, otherwise it's spam.