ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] reeboot server The last Stand - Dead Zone

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i'm french excuse for my bad english
dead zone is a very very good game and i lve it, thanks you for this awesomeflash game, ive a big problem at 6:18 with the reebooting server, i was in end of mission lvl 18 in street in northwood east with 4 survivors and with book in option slot they option book of this book is +200%xp for bonus and +298 of return time to compound just for 30 min timing , iwas in leave zone for return in my compound and the server reeboot and i havent my bonus xp for this mission, I had sent a first group in first time in missin to large supermarket in notrhwood east and i win 12.200 xp for my first team of four survivors, but for second team with the reebooting of server i haven't my bonus and the bonus book time is ended. it's a chalenge for me and my friends in this game to gain the big xp numbers at mission and i m the record man with the mission buged I know him, i've kill lot and lot infected, I am so much disappointed please did you help me Can use me for the loss caused. thanks

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