All you have to do is make an insane lie about the person above you.Example:Me: *makes thread*User 1: pees his pants all the timeUser 2: failed his last testUser 3: married a donkeyand so on...
^Has no soul.
Has fuhreuvtewayhfvnwbgthwwfdUp their jchnibevgchubgehrbgfugtye
^ doesn't have a temper problem
Didn`t just tell the truth just then.
Can't handle the truth
Is the truth.
Is r-truth
Realizes I have no idea what he's talking about.
Eats stale hotdogs with truffles.
Has a quiver that shoots rainbows.
Doesn`t like this:glob
This is what you look like:
is an insane lie about the person above you
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