Tired of getting beaten by the major Bosses? Here's how to turn the tables on them:
Igniton: The most dangerous thing about him is Fade; To save yourself or your teammates from cerain death, heal Fade with Heroic Motivation. PS: If you are slower than your teammates you can't save them,so keep it for yourself. Plus to cancel out Dark Regeneration use Electro-Bolt. Congratulations! You have beaten Igniton!
Omen: To beat Omen you MUST use Break or Shatter Bolt when he uses Dark Omen. PS: Dark Omen is only avalible when you have Break ready. PSS: Wounding or Sundering, or all those moves that make Omen weaker to attacks will heal when he uses Dark Omen, so don't bother... Congratulations! You have beaten Omen!
Dr.Herregods: Well, to beat him you MUST have Subversion. Use it when he heals...He will kill him self! PS:He'll heal when he gets to 9900000 hp, so wait till then. Congratulations! You have beaten Dr.Herregods
Sinjid's Shadow: Careful here, one false move and it's all over: You MUST have Disruption: Use it as soon as the battle starts, Sinjid will not be able to use his Super-Move leaving you to attack him (with your strongest attack). When he charges up, keep useing Disruption and then grind him. Congratulations! You have finished the game!!!!
I beat the game all by myself, and I'm proud of that fact. It may have taken a lvl 50 destroyer, 47 medic and 43 gunslinger but it was worth it. Can't wait until sonny 2 comes out. =P