Really, over the past week I've only solidified my support for Obama. There was the Palin interview first, then the whole "I have to go to Washington debacle" and then at the debate I got the feeling that McCain was acting patronizing towards Obama and what I saw on made me feel like he was the one telling bigger lies and over all making less of a point.
[quoteWhat are the VP's going to do? NOTHING!![/quote]
VPs actually play a very important role int he administration. They first and foremost head the congress and are responsible for representing the administrations desires in the legislative branch, and also play a big role in world politics where they're often called upon to represent our nation to the world. In either case I can see Joe Biden doing at least an adequate job and Palin screwing things up royally.
Obama says that he's for change, and he chose someone who's been in Washington for over 20 years.
He's not talking about giving Washington D.C. a complete makeover...He wants change from the Bush Doctrine and the failed policies of the past four years. Personally, I think Biden was a great choice, because he can back Obama in foreign policy.
My problem with Obama is that he seems like he is arrogant and narcissistic.
Umm, did you even watch the debate? All Obama was was polite and gentlemanly, even when McCain cut him off, (multiple times) incorrectly presented his policies, and went over on his answer time.
Its a close match between tose two candidates, but I choose Obama.
We watched this video in debate class, and as soon as I watched Obama's I knew that everyone who voted for him must not know this. This tells the negative history behind both, McCain and Obama.
Interesting facts about Obama - He has done cocaine, weed, cigarettes and drinks.
Interesting facts about Obama - He has done cocaine, weed, cigarettes and drinks.
Cigarettes and alcohol are both legal and the US has some of the highest cocaine and marijuana use rates in the country (17% and 42% percent respectively have used them at one point in their life). I don't see that, something that occurred in his past and he has since stopped as much of a 'risk' to the nation as McCain's gambling habits. There are certainly skeletons in the closet for Obama, but that's because everyone has skeletons in the closet, he's just been much more open about his then most people seem to be.
Interesting facts about Obama - He has done cocaine, weed, cigarettes and drinks.
Winston Churchill drank close to a quart of whiskey every night, and FDR had 6-8 martinis on the same basis. Adolf Hitler never touched alcohol in his life. Now, tell me you can't be successful and drink.
Both have their issues. You can see this for yourself at (think of it as snopes for politics, and yes they do call out both sides). From my worldview, Obama has fewer issues, has run a more (but not completely) honest campaign, and has absolutely no connect to Palin, who disgusts me.