ForumsGamesThe Walking Dead game

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Just finished it. I need to be comforted. Those of you who haven't played it, spend the twenty dollars and use ten hours of your life to the fullest.

SPOILERS inbound, obviously, because I need to try and justify all the terrible things I did with Kenny and Larry and Clementine and Lilly.

Save me ArmorGames from the feely vidya


  • 7 Replies
2,765 posts

Only just finished episode 2.

Already know a couple too many things because I ignore spoiler tags a lot.

Hopefully it gets better from here. Must say, I never saw the farm people as being....


2,417 posts

It was a great experience, no doubt. I don't really consider it a game, it was really just an interactive movie. Still, when blu-rays cost 20+ dollars for a 2 hour movie, the Walking Dead game is worth every penny.

Chillz, I don't know how to make you feel any better about it. I know my Lee did everything he could to protect a little girl, and to give her a chance at a future. That makes me feel better about it.

What moment(s) really stands out to you guys? I know your only up to chapter 3 leo, so I won't spoil anything for you, but chapter one had some gut wrenching moments. SPOILERS For instance, I let the woman take my gun to kill herself, and gave her a God bless you. That's pretty powerful stuff. I do wish the game would've let me pull the trigger for her though.

1,435 posts

I never saw the farm people as being....

The second they told me I wasn't allowed to see Glen, I had a terrible hunch that I prayed wouldn't come true. I was wrong.

Still, when blu-rays cost 20+ dollars for a 2 hour movie, the Walking Dead game is worth every penny.

The fact that one can fail in a Quick Time Event, there are various choice trees, and the presence of *minor* puzzles pushes this piece out of "interactive movie". Five episodes, twenty-five dollars, about 12 hours of content, an incredible deal compared to some other singleplayer campaigns.

Chillz, I don't know how to make you feel any better about it. I know my Lee did everything he could to protect a little girl, and to give her a chance at a future. That makes me feel better about it.

I know, I just got really torn up about it. Reminds me of when I let half my Krogan battalion die in a nuclear explosion in Mass Effect 3, all because I decided to put off a side mission.

Moments that got me? The whole Larry-Kenny debacle in Chapter 1, the horrifying revelation in Chapter 2, and salt licks.

Funny thing; I told myself I was going to make friends with Larry in Chapter 2. Telltale did a good job of fleshing out his otherwise-unlikable personality and I felt for the hardass. Didn't get me too many places, but I always tried my hardest to make friends with the old guy.

1 posts

The walking dead game is amazing. I haven't finished all the chapters yet, but from what I have played so far it is on the same par as the TV show.

2,765 posts

Don't be put off talking about episodes 3-5. Just put a spoiler tag.

Spoilers from episodes 1-3

This is a list of the decisions I thought were important.

Gave the gun to the girl.
Saved Carly
Said "We reason with him" with the whole Larry/Kenny
Cut the guys leg off
Gave the food to the kids, lilly and carlie.
Fixed the swing
Didn't side with kenny when the farm people through us in that area.
Gave Duck a high five and he became my Robin.
Told everyone about my past.
Didn't want to kill the person that sold food.
Said "I'll stay with the group" when lilly went off with the RV
Decided to kill Duck myself. (I keep punching for not just letting Kenny go himself or something...)
Cut clementine's hair and taught her about the gun skills. (Not sure if that's optional)

End spoilers

Let me know if I missed anything. The last one is what I have just done so anything before that.

2,765 posts


Sorry, it was annoying me.

The second they told me I wasn't allowed to see Glen, I had a terrible hunch that I prayed wouldn't come true. I was wrong.

I like how they did it. They slowly revealed more information until you finally knew what was up. It was a really good way to do it in my opinion.
193 posts

I have the Walking Dead game but i still haven't play it. how many episodes does it have? i only have 2 episodes.

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