ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe rap arena

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Okay, now my thesis is done, I've thought about it and decided now is a good time as any to work on my verbal skills. The idea is this:

* Give me a topic, and a style (of a person, or the name of a style). I will attempt to write a verse or two accordingly.

* If you could, give me links to the topic and examples of the style.

* No redistribution, please. The verses I write here are mine.

For example, in a previous thread, Klaushouse asked me to do a rap in the style of Kanye West on the topic of Pokemon, so I wrote one that could be rapped to Homecoming.

Have at it!

  • 591 Replies
777 posts

SKWP can skate all he wants
But his board will not taunt
As when he busts up this great line
There is no doubt that its all mine
So when you can skate the line to always win like me
Theres obviously gunna be a great big fee
That fee is facing against my rap skills
I'll take you down the the hills
Where spit flys from my mouth as people cheer my name
And you fall down,crying with shame.
So you can say all you want
but I'll still be there to haunt.

10,816 posts

From an Aussie: You know you're a bloody Pom when you manage to sneak 'tea' into your rap. Is that Twinings, perchance?

Haha, no offense. Now for a rambling meta-cultural monologue on a certain horrific hairstyle:

What can I say of the retrograde-
Travesty that is the mullet?
Some styles really ought to be left to fade,
I'd cram your rat tails down your gullet.
Since when did the media feel entitled-
To influence our sense of style?
History repeats, I feel culturally stifled,
Somebody please turn the dial.
Is the trademark of a postmodern society-
The celebration of a lack of taste?
I cringe at this aesthetic impiety,
To hell be damned in your disgrace!
It just occurred to me as I rant-
That I've validated the mullet's existence,
I'd try to weasel out but I can't,
So I'll cease this futile resistance.

4,375 posts

so ya' allways win but not d'is time
i'm bout' to shut ya' down with my victory line
you can try to ryme
but yo' time is up yo'
lucks gone away
cause i AM here to stay
so go out and the yard to play
cause i am hard core that way
so ya say i gotta pay a fee
to let ever one watch you lose to me?

P.S. strop nice rap about mullets it made me lol

777 posts

Dude SKWP, looks like I'm gunna have to set u straight
Its the only way that you'll can except your fate
But your a disgrace
To the human race
After this,you'll be a mental case
My rap will conquer your soul
I'll show you the way to the rap hell hole
So Imma tell you one last time
This rap battle win is all mine
cause when I said ialwayswin
I wasn't talkin out of a trashbin
You know now that I'm in the house
yet you still run around like the mouse


4,375 posts

(iallwayswin that was a good one) (:

so the rap hell hole ya' say?
well prepare to get blown away
well ya' trying ta' be fly
but ya' souldnt even try
cause every one is watching your raps die
so grab ya' map cause ya' gonna get lost in my rap
cause the wrods are a'flying from of the top of me head
these words are gonna have you wishing you were dead
cause when the smoke clears i will stand tall
and then at my feet you will fall!!!!!

(iallwayswin your last one was good)

777 posts

(Back at SKWP)
I'm not sure how to make you believe
But in this rap you will not achieve
As you listen to this with tons of greed
You'll wonder if you should just play assassins creed
You say that I'll be on the ground
But dude,check out this sound
When your face turns red
You'll fall down dead
wake up in bed
with a guy named fred
are you losing your head?
So you turn to attemt to rap me down
Yet after today I'll be wearing the crown
And you'll walk off with just a frown
I'm done warning you Id bring the pain
Cause in the end, its all my game.

(Nice job for you to)

4,375 posts

(dude the fred part made me lmao)

so ya' say ur gonna wear the crown
but it made ya' sound like a big fat clown
my rap will make ya frown
as ya' listen to the sound
that i be makeing
and every one else thinks that your fakeing
cause this conntest is mine for the takeing
and there ain't no mistaken
so when get in bed all sweaty and shakeing
cause ya' remembering this big can of WOOP @SS i be makeing

777 posts

You better just take a seat
cause I'm about to start the heat
As you fear,your heart starts to beat
this win is just a treat
Iv done it before,I'll do it again
because from heaven is where I decend
yet you just follow the lame rap trend
Not to make you look like a queer
but I'll make you draw a tear
that threat is no lie
Its so old that I start to sigh
So next time you think this is yours for the taking
remember all the risk you are staking.

4,375 posts

o man you just sit there fakeing
and say its all yours for da' takeing
well ya' were right the tears are falling
pretty soon im gonna start balling
cause yo' raps make rap make me laugh so hard
but my ryme's will leave ya' mind scared
leave ya' permanetly regarded as a retard
so i might be putting it, my pride on the line
but thats just fine
cause i will leave ya' blind
so its yo' time to accept defeat
so ya' try and hide your shame
but yo' only got yaa' self to blame
$SKWP$ (just pwnd you)

10,816 posts

Woooo this battle is HOT!

Guest artist Strop will come back on stage with a rap about Strop, and then as a request from flappybob999, MacDonalds...he has to think pretty hard about how he's going to make that different from the one about Carl's Jr...there's a really funny video of a guy rapping his Maccas drive-through order on youtube.


777 posts

Now that you make a desperate last stand
while I stick it out with my rap band
You should just hit the road
cause this prince ain't no toad
no madder what you say,what you do
in the end you are through
I can't get it through your thick skull I see
Why can't you just submit defeat to me
I don't want to make you look like a fool infront of strop
but as your lyrics fly,I will still chop
My words come from the depth the heart
As you sound like a repetitive fart
when the cheers come in as loud as they can
You just made me look like more of a man
I don't want to make you cry
but theres no way I'll agree for a tie
So I'm ending this once and for all
just get on the ground and start to crawl

4,375 posts

so all i hear is raping bout' farts
and say dat' yo' words comin' from ya' heart
but dude you belong on the tart cart
and so before ya' start ta' think ya' can win
remember the kind of heat i can bringgg
and as i sing the spit will fly
and the crowd will start to cry
cause this battle is to hot to end
and yo' mind is bout' to bend
so i will only ask ya' once
will ya' call a draw
cause you know that my rappin' ainn't got a flaw
so this is the only time im; gonna ask
and if ya' say no ya only got yo' self to blame
cause im gonna start to bring the pain
my words will act like chains
tie you tight take away ya' sight
dont try to fight cause in the end
unless you agree
every ones eyes will be one me
(strop y were you refering to your self as (he) )

777 posts

Thats it!
I'm bringing the thunder,I'm bringing the gold
Just admit it but your getting too old
You can't think off the top of your head
Thats why when you rap the crowd starts to dread
You and I know I'm the king of the castle
And bringing you down isn't a hastle
Everyone knows that I'm the one
As you stand there with a stun
I bring the fire like a snap
cause you know that I can rap
you don't have to warn me anymore
taking down you is just a bore
so just leave with the honor you have left
cause all your words are just theft
I'll take you down with nothin but a grin
Cause everyone will agree that ialwayswin!

4,375 posts

i thought i heard ya' say ya' could win
after i warned you of the heat i bingg'
yet ya continue to sing
but man the bells gonna ring
cause my words will knock ya dead
i know that has allready been said
but when been going for far to long
and man i cant keep singing my songs
i grab the tongs and pick ya up
ya' still acting like ya' tough
but only once more i will ask for a draw
or to my feet you will crawl

251 posts

Ha ha nice guys!

Showing 136-150 of 591