ForumsGames[Locked] GemCraft: Chasing Shadows

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For those of you who are GemCraft lovers, news about the latest version...

GemCraft Chapter 2: Chasing Shadows

  • 148 Replies
20 posts

It just baffles me to see people become so aggressive and spiteful because of a deadline issue. How is this going to help with the posting of the game, or fixing the bugs?
The guy is polishing up a game he's offering us, a game we just loved in the previous chapters, what a gift this is!
And you scorn the delays? Boy, it must be tough working (or worse, living) with your lot! Moaning and groaning like that over this is just beyond my comprehension! o-O
You do realize that this type of attitude is precisely what is usually labeled as "tamper tantrum" and "brats" when dealing with middle schoolers, don't you? Sigh...
A big thanks to "Peter" & co. doing their best to give us an enjoyable game... Keep up the good work, and sure, release chasing shadows when YOU feel ready to, I'll just be happy and grateful to play it, it looks awesome already!

715 posts

Ferret, why are you trying to fill in your armor games email ? Its like you are trying on purpose everyone to send you messages there for everything.

For everyone else, game will be released in couple of weeks, or days if we are lucky.

2 posts

When I have deadline and I don't respect it, I need to stay after hours and work my *** off. And I don't get paid till I finish my job. No extras also.

So, don't tell me that I "don't deserve" this game. Don't tell me that developer have right to screw me around, cause I am ONLY a player.

I have a lot of respect for him for this beautiful game. Yes. But I am pissed, annoyed and feel cheated when over and over again release date is missed and there is no explanations, no words of apologize, not even "oops, joking".

And, really, I don't care if you rant, cry or patiently wait for GemCraft ForNever. I just wanted to say my part. That's it.

3 posts

Meeana, When you are at work, you most likely have a team of people there with you as well. Additionally, when it comes to specific projects, like the rollout of a new product, you have tons of people working on QA before it gets released. Pete, has neither, and when something goes "wrong", he's the only one responsible for fixing it.

Lets try some logic... how will Pete make more money? By purposely delaying a product? By releasing a half-assed product?

You might not want to hear it, but your attitude is that of an entitled brat.

Only thing I would say is that he should have never mentioned he was making Gemcraft, and just release them when he feels they are ready. It will prevent people anguishing about it.

48 posts

You might not want to hear it, but your attitude is that of an entitled brat.

Quoted for truth.

That was very well put Argentus. It comes when it comes. Those who aren't entitled jerks know that Peter/GameInABottle and ArmorGames are working as fast as they can to get the game released. Feeling cheated over a delay, as if the developer is intentionally making you wait is egotistical pettiness.

Patience is a virtue. Acting like a petulant child is not.
14 posts

Dear Ferret, can I ask for a favor? Can you reward random gemcraft quests to the accounts of the people who write the most cruel posts here?
Then I spread the rumor at facebook, that some people already have access (actually, the rumor is there already), and we can grab some popcorn and enjoy the show of them mauling each other..

5 posts

Lotoreo, I like the way you think


Patience is a virtue. Acting like a petulant child is not.

That's kind of my mantra these days :-)

34 posts

What it comes down to is PR. Will everyone who is raging about the release dates play the crap out of the game once it's released? Absolutely. Will people still buy the premium content and support the developer? Absolutely. Even if it's delayed another 2 months everyone will play it and buy the content they want.

Now, when he has another game that he wants green lit on steam and needs everyone's vote to make it happen - he may not be so lucky. No one will rage quit GC2, or refuse to play it for spite. But they might not be so willing to help out in the future.

If Peter has a day job and is just making these games for the love (and some decent extra income), then he'll be just fine. In the end it's just a game on a website, and there are more important things in life.
But if this is his main source of income and he wants to be a full-time game developer, he should learn from this mess, and avoid ticking off his consumer base in the future - especially if he needs their help to get projects approved.

3 posts

haha.... i was angry because of the german release delay of southpark... i gave my copy back and i won't buy it anymore...
that happens when i am angry... i'm nearly at that point... xD

2 posts

The problem is not the delay. Bugs happens and that's the sad truth. The only, and most important problem is communication (which really doesn't exists)
The information with three (or even less) sentences that there is delay can be posted from the phone. It's not writing an essay.
Now it's small issue(buying or not buying the premium account) and such decision is waiting for release. Probably I'm only little annoyed that author can't even write something about delay. But if in the future somebody would ask for voting, kickstarter etc.. then I look and think. "No, this guy is not trustworthy. He can create very good stuff but has problems with keeping his promises. I will wait till he finishes and then maybe pay for it. Nothing in advance"

48 posts

But if this is his main source of income and he wants to be a full-time game developer, he should learn from this mess, and avoid ticking off his consumer base in the future - especially if he needs their help to get projects approved.

This is my point that I've been trying to make, though: If you're "ticked off" because a game comes out a few days or even a few weeks later than it was supposed to, then you really have too much time on your hands, and need to find something better to do. Especially knowing (as you should) that the delay isn't wanted by Peter or ArmorGames, and that they're working as hard as they can to get you the game (because why wouldn't they?).

It's the way of the world. Instant gratification isn't a thing. Delays happen all the time in the real world, because things ALWAYS come up that are unanticipated that force a push back. And when there aren't delays, then there are tons of bugs and problems. The highest quality games are those that don't even set a date so they have the time to finish them properly. Just because Peter set a date, and missed it, is NOT a reason to get pissed off, but rather a sign that he's doing what he can to avoid giving us a broken game.

We should all be grateful that he takes the time to give us a quality product.

If you're "ticked off" about a free game being launched late, then you're going to have a very rude awakening when you enter the real world.
3 posts

It's really poor that there has been no communication about delays.

His blog hasn't been updated since 19th March - all it would take is a couple of lines to explain as there have been many release dates.

48 posts

One last time....I hope:

1) He is under no obligation to explain anything to anyone. You may want a few lines of explanation, but getting pissed that there isn't any is just entitlement mentality. He doesn't owe you anything, so don't act like he does.

2) What is he going to say, other than "Sorry for delay, game is coming soon."?

3) The fact that he has, in the past, done updated release dates likely means that he himself doesn't have anything to do with when it's released now and couldn't give an update. We know (other threads) that the game is being tested internally with AG, so if the ball is in AG's court as to when it's released, he would have no new information.

4) If it was going to be an extended period of time that he could foresee, I'm sure there would be something posted. The fact that there isn't means that the game is probably eminent and could happen at any time.

Again, Patience is a virtue.

3 posts

Patience is a virtue=> its just an easy sentence for lazy.

48 posts

Patience is a virtue=> its just an easy sentence for lazy.

That is wrong on so many levels, that all I can do is laugh.
Showing 76-90 of 148