ForumsThe TavernFeeling creative? Check out Armor Games' Armatar Contest!

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14,745 posts
Are you... creative? Original? Artful? Then be sure to check out the Armor Games' Armatars Contest and enter your very own work of art! If chosen, your submission will be uploaded and free for all Armor Games members to use and wear as their Armatar! And the best part is... it was made by YOU!!!

This is a great contest for all you creative Armor Games members to show the Community your exceptional skills and participate in this website's famous legacy! So pick up your pencil, start up your art programs and show your wonderful imagination and art to the Community in this fantastic Armor Games tradition!

Simply check the link below to see what the latest theme beholds and enter your Armatar!
Go ahead! Participate and amaze us all!! =)

  • 2 Replies
14,745 posts

Time sure flies when you're having fun! Especially when you're busy frying your brains over that crunching puzzle, patiently laying low to snipe that enemy from the roof, raging while slashing thousands of zombies to a pulp, frenzy-feeding on loads of sushi or carefully planning your strategic march towards the enemy trenches! All this at your favorite web-address for free games online: Armor Games of course! And what do you know? Time really did fly! It's already 10 years since Armor Games started!!!

And because of this awesome 10th anniversary of Armor Games, we would like you to send in your own best memories of this website during the past decade of gaming on this website! Anything related to Armor Games is allowed! Whether it is your own fan art, your very own version of the website's most famous game characters (Important note: your own drawn versions, not a 1-on-1 copy or part of a character), a nice little Ferret or Unicorn, you name it! As long as it is related to the...

Armor Games' Armatar Contest: 10th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION!!!

Surprise us and take us back on a stroll down memory lane, or perhaps... the future of Armor Games?! Who knows! As always, amaze us!!

14,745 posts

It's that scary season of the year again!

This wonderful, yet always scary, annual event is being celebrated by a lot of people from all over the world who always look forward to getting those goose bumps! As always, it is coming October 31st... and just like last year, ArmorGames is taking part in it!!

"When witches go riding, and black cats are seen...
The moon laughs and whispers, 'tis near Hallowe'en..."

Are you ready? Then join the:

Armor Games' Armatar Contest: HALLOWE'EN!!!

It's time to start creating all those skeletons, vampires, goblins, ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, grim reapers, witches, ghouls, poltergeists, bats, scarecrows, zombies, trolls and whatnot, oh my... Time to man up! Shake off your shivers, digg into your darkest memories and start creating all that scarific, spooktacular, boo-tiful, frightastic, AAAAHH!!-wesome artwork and amaze us once more! Just... don't look under the bed when your pencil rolls under there!! There's monsters everywhere...

BOO!! "Trick or Treat!" Heheheh...

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